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The lovely toy so fiercely sought
Has lost its charm by being caught.
For every touch that wooed its stay
Has brushed the brightest hues away;
'Till charm and hue and beauty gone,
'Tis left to fly or fall alone.
With wounded wing or bleeding breast
Ah 1 where shall either victim rest ?
Can this with faded pinion soar
From rose to tulip as before ?
Or beauty blighted in an hour
Find joy within her broken bower ?
No : gayer insects fluttering by
Ne'er droop the wing o'er those that die,
And lovelier things have mercy shewn
To every failing but their own,
And every woe a tear can claim
Except an erring sister's shame.

Like a coy maiden, ease, when courted most
Farthest retires—an idol at whose shrine
Who oftenest sacrifice are favoured least

——— Nature hath assigned 
Two sovereign remedies for human grief;
Religion, surest, firmest, first, and best,