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Oh farewell! farewell for ever,
Once in happiest hour we met;
Now with blasted hopes we sever,
Soon our sun of joy has set.

Who has felt the desolation
Of the earthquake's drea.Vul reign;
And would choose the same foundation,
For his peaceful bower again?

The hope how vain, that time should bring relief!
Time does but deeper root a real grief.

The Following Lines Were Written By An Officer Who Was Accused Of Not Shedding A Tear At His Sister's Funeral.
Cold is that tear which blazons common woe.
What callous rock retains its crystal rill ?
Ne'er will the softened mould its liquid show;
Deep sink the waters which are smooth and still.

Oh ! when sublimely agonized I stood
And mem'ry gave her beauteous form a sigh;
Whilst feeling triumph'd in my heart's warm blood
Grief drank the offering e'er it reached my eye.