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It is the very change of tide
When best the female heart is tried—
Pride, prejudice, and modesty
Are in the current swept to sea;
And the bold swain who plies his oar
May lightly row his bark to shore.

When honest industry raises a family to opulence and honours, its very original lowness sheds lustre on its elevation;—but all its glory fades when it has given a wound, and denies a balsam to a man as humble and as honest as your ancestor. Colman.

———Marriage is with us
The holiest ordinance of God, whereon
The bliss or bale of human life depends.
Love must be won by love, and heart to heart
Linked in mysterious sympathy, before
We pledge the marriage vow; and some there are,
Who hold, that, ere we enter into life,
Soul hath with soul been mated, each for each,
Especially ordained.

Time is a feathered thing,
And whilst I praise
The sparklings of thy looks, and call them rays
Takes wing;