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clothing of the body. The neatness and purity of the one, indicates the solidity and harmony of the other. In either sex an extravagant frippery in dress denotes a weak understanding. Miss Boylf.

If you gently stroke a nettle,
Mark, it stings you for your pains;
But seize it like a man of mettle,
And it soft as silk remains.
'Tis the same with common Natures,
Use them gently—they rebel;
But be as rough as nutnlfeg graters
And the rogues obey you well.
Aaron Hill. 

What a consolation is it to have a second self, from whom we have nothing secret, and into whose heart we may pour our own with perfect effusion ! Could we taste prosperity so sensibly, if we had no one to share in our joy with us? And what a relief is it in adversity, and the accidents of life, to have a friend still more affected with them than ourselves!

The praise of fools, is censure in disguise,
Reproof from knaves is flattery to the wise.