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Injuries may be atoned for and forgiven, but insults admit of no compensation, they degrade the mind in its own esteem and force it to recover its level by revenge.


To depart in the minutest article from the nicety and strictness of punctilio, is as dangerous to national honor, as to female virtue. The woman who admits of one familiarity, seldom knows where to stop, or what to refuse; and when the councils of a great country give way in a single instance— when they are once inclined to submission, every step accelerates the rapidity of the descent.


Female hearts, though fragile as the flower,
Are firm, when closed by hope's investing power.

There are points where a man of honour ought not to ask, because a man of honour cannot refuse.

When they reached the Green Room, as it was called, OUlbuck placed the candle on the toilet table, before a huge mirror with a black japanned frame, surrounded by dressing boxes of the same, and looked around him with something of a disturbed expression of countenanc?. ' I am seldom in this apartment,' he said, ' and never without