Page:The Commentaries of the Emperor Marcus Antoninus.pdf/13

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( viii )

( viii ) molt Part explained by what isſaid in ano tber.

It is evident that the Author's Notion of the Univerſe as an eternal Subſtance, fing


through a coeval Series of Changes,

rooted in the ſame Neceffity by which the Sub ftance itſelf exifts, but ſo as to be in fome De gree under the Adminiſtration and Direction of the Gods,

as principal Members of this

great Commonwealtb ; it is evident, I ſay, that this Notion is not reconcileable with the Chriſtian Pbiloſopby.

But as certain it is,

that it was the utmoſt Effort of. buman Reafon . among the Heathen Philoſophers, towards ac counting for the Nature

of Things,


fiftently with a due Regard to thoſe Opinions, Rites and Obſervances, wbich bave been . diftinguiſed by the Appellation of Sacred ; and which , notwithſtanding the Abſurdity. and even the pernicious Tendency of many of them , in divers Forms of Religion tbat have been and are now eſtabliſhed in the World, are originally derived from , and owe their Force to that natural Propenkty which all Men bave, to fear and worſhip the invi fible Power by which the verned .

World is go

But if Antoninus differs from us in ſome Points of Speculation, bis Doctrine concern
