Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/230

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220 YORK — YTHAN. XII. 1892. 1, H.R.H. GBORaB-FRBDSRICK-ERNBST-ALDBRT, PllINCB or TUB TTmitbd Kinqdou of Gubat Buitain and Iubland, alau DuKB OF Sazont nnd Ddkb op Sazb-Cobuboh and Qotiia., 2ii s. of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, Dukb of Counwall, ^to. (0. and h. ap. of dueen Victoria), by Alexandra, Ist da. of Christian IX., Kino of Dbnmahk ; was b. at Marlborough house, St. James', 8 June and hap. 7 July 1865, at ^VindHor Castle; entered the Itiyal Navy, 1877> becoming Capt. in 1893 ; X.G., 1884 ; became h. ap. to his father on the death, 14 Jan. 1892, of his eldest br., I/.R,II. the Duke of Clarence and Av(»ndale, and was, four mouths Inter, er. 24 May 1892, ISA HON KILLAKNBY, EaUL UF INVERNESS and DURE OF YORR.(M K.T. 1893, K.P., 1897. He m. 6 July 1893, at the chapel royal, St. James' Palace, hU couuin, Victoria Mary AnRuata Louise Olga Pauline Claudiue Afrues,(^) Ist da. of I/is lliyhneu Fntncis Paul Charles Louis Alexander, Dukb of Tkck,(o) by H,RJL VLwy Adelaide Wiihelmina Kliscabeth, da. of H,R.H. Adolphus Frederick, Dukb of CAMDHiDaB, 7 th s. of George III. She was h. 26 May 1867, at Kensington Palace and hap, 27 July, in the Chapel royal there. [Edward Albbrt Chrihtian Georgb Amdrbw Patrick David, Ists. and h. ap.. h. 23 June 1894, at the White Lodge, Richmond Pork, Surrey, and was hap. (in the Drawing room) there 16 July following.] YOUGHAL. ».e„ "Boyle op Youohal, go. Cork," Barony [I.] {Boyle cr. 1616 ; 866 " COBK" Earldom [I.], w. 1620. YTHAN, tee Eythin. in 1816 as tall, with immense en hon point and not proportionately sti-ong legs, he holds himself in such a way that one is always afraid he will tumble over backwards ; very bald and not a very intelligent face." Greville [Memoiri writes of him that he " is not clever but he has justness of understanding ... He is the only one of the Princes who has the feelings of an English gentleman ; his amiable disposition and excellent temper have conciliated for him the esteem and regard of men of all parties ... He is very eaaily amused and particularly with jokes full of coarseness and indelicacy." His portrait, '* after J. Jackson," is engraved in DoyU, {*) The resolution of the committee of the House of Lords 14 June 1893, was, that he should have place in that house next after the Duke of Connaught, [yst. Burv. B. of the Sovereign] and next before the Duke of Albany [grandson of the Sovereign]. His position as the heir ap. of the heir ap. of the Sovereign seems to have been (justlv) token into account, for the anUquUy of the creation of tfu poU-ranked hukeiom was (exactly) eleven years greater than tluit of his own, while the relative potiUon of the Duke of Albany and himself to tub Rbioning Sovbrkion (by which (position all Royal precedency is regulated) was but the tame, save that one grandson was son of the eideat while the other was son of the youngest son. (b) In The Oeneaiogitt, N.S., vol. x, pp. 207-211, is an article by Q. E. C, wherein the Seize Quartiers of the Duchess of York, as well as those of her paternal grand- mother, the morgonatio wife of the Duke of Wurtemburg, are set forth, na also is her two fold descent (one thro' each of her parents) from George II. («) He was s. of Alexander Paul Louis Constuutine, Duke of Wurtemberg, by Claudiua, Countess Kh6dey de Kis lih6de, afterwards Countess of Hohenstein, his morganatie wife. With respect to the validity of this class of marriages nn erroneous impression prevails in England. It is well said, by one who is most competent to treat of them, that ** Moiiganatio marriages ore real marriages, duly oonsecniteil, only they do not give the rank of the husband to the wife or children." See note "b^' above.