Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/326

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316 OORRIQEHDA, KTC., TO VOL L p.S78; n Bvgin. fm ISMf rmd '■lS82f LiM 7, /»- "Wouam,'* twtf "Arthur" ; line 20, ^r " wm Utiat 1682 bat dL bcfon 1597." rtmd *^d. at Bdm- bargfa abriat 1582" ; line 2S, «/Ur -'k.." c^ " *. about 157C^^) " Mtf rnddmsmid iMte ** (^) Id tbe liat of Scotch doUm, 1683, be k called « a child cf 14 jean old, yet «. to tha Lord Teater'a daughter. Am aufient Baaaa aod booae, b«i graatlj decayed by the laai l^orde, who vaa of yll govcmmeoi and dyad m Edenb«i||^ Botpaai two yerca aiuce of the Fraoch deewM '" ; fine 37, m/Ur ** Hiwhafh.* sM '^ (who waa ^. 6 Sep. 1633)." Note (^X '""^'^i^, " It >• ko«evcr atatad to bara been Arthur, in Sir R. MattJand'a HiaUr^ if <A# AeiMa •( SetmL* 9.879; lioea 6 and 16, Aw- " Meuthora," tm^ « Neothom ' ; fine 30. «/lcr *• 177S;" e^"aged 83" ; lioe 31, '/Mr " BdiDborgh," mdd '•Burial rcgiatcnd 9 ai St. Hichoba', NewcaaUe ** : bat line, fm- •'before 1780, Maigarat," rtmd "17 April 1777, Maigaiet Nichobon, da. of Jamea." 9.380; Uoe 16, wmtimu, "Hia widow Uvins 1897"; biie 18. mmiimm. "ed. at Badby and at Ch. Ch. Oxford ; «ml U tkspmrmfs [a] 24 Bee. 1385 ; partner in the 6rm of ' Borthwicfc, Warfc A Co./ Stockbrokera, London" ; line 27,/«r 'da. of the Hon. WU liam," rttd « yr. da. and coheir of Brig. Gen. Tbomaa " ; Una 35, mfUr " who/' mtf " waa A 1719 and." 91 381; line 2, a/l«r *'1777, mdd "in Graarenor atieet"; line 3, e^^apoMon," Mid "ed. at Eton "; line 12, mJUr " 1860," etf "in Bdgrave aqnare" ; mfUr 1861." mdd "at St. Geo. Han. aq." ; line 15, mfi^r " Craaeent,'^ mdd " WiU pr. 6 May 1870, under £35,000 " ; liue 16. fmr " 1885," rtmd •* 1897 " ; line 19, ^ttr " 1859," mdd** mi Hi. Paura Knightabridge " ; line 23. Aw " X.OK.O., rtmd " K.C.B., who d. at 53 Baton square, 19 July 1896, a^ 65, and waa lur. at Hedior. She waa liviDg 1897 "; line 26, mfttr " 1882." mdd " M.A 1886 " ; m/tir •" 1885." mdd** to Feb. 1886. He a». 13 Mareh 1890, at Hedaor, hii int eouain, Cedlb Comtanoe, 2d and ytt. da. and coheir of the Hon. Angnatoa Anthony Frederick Ibbt, by Jeaab Aoguata, da. of Sir Tbomaa Montgoncry CumnmuMM, 8th Bart. [&1, of Corahill, eo. Ayr. She waa ^. 23 Feb. 1870." p. 382; Una 24. /ar « the," r<Af " Thomaa " ; line 32, /er " ob Chabilbt/' r«ui •^ by Aguea, da. of Humphrey (Bohum), Eabl or llBBBffOBa" 9. 888 ; line 20, aa abo in note (<*) line 2,/er "faYorite," rtmd "favourite." 9. 384 ; ItM 8, d0l0 " widow of WUlbm db MoHCBBBai" ; line 20. /ar "cnp," rwuf "DB"; Une 23, for "Joab." rmd "Jotcb"; Une 28. >iw- "in 1421," rmd " 27 Not. 1420 "; line 29, m/imr " Hen. IV," mdd "and was hnr. at Halesowen, Salop "; between linfla31 and 32, tuanK a /tM of asteriaka ; line 35, a/t^r" 1736," mdd "waa M.P. for Qlouceaterahire in 4 peria., 1741-63, being a auppoiiBr of the Bute miobtiy/' 9* 386 ; between linea 4 and 5, insert m iins of aateriaka. 91 387 ; liDe 6, after " Sootbnd," mdd ** He preaumably b the * LoBO Halus ' whoaa marriage with ' Blene Wallacb.' id 1484. b recorded in the metm 2>om. Otmc, faee Scottish Antigumry, VuL iil, p. 105)"; line 17. after " m.." reoif " aeoondly, before Dec. 1515, Aleiander (Homb), 3d Lord Homb [3.], who d. 8 Oct 1516. She wl thirdly"; line 81, after ** m.," add " firstly. Xgiies, da. of ' Lobd Sinclair ' [&]. She waa diToroed about Get 1543, but aurrivad him, and in 1572 waa atyled OouDtesa of BothweU. He m. secondly " ; far " in exile," read " at Dumfriea "; line 83, after ** A," add " by firat wife '^ Uoe 39, /or " marslies/' read " Marchea"; line 34, for " for," read " of." Note («), line 2, after " [S.] " ibb to the end, and insert " whom see." 9. 388; line 5, far "1569/' read "1567"; line 25, after "m.," mdd "before July 1692"; line 29, /or ** d. proUbly about 1604," read "waa living, tho' in bad health, at Naples, 7 Sep. 1611, and d. there probably soon afterwarda"; softer " 1614/' mdd " Hb widow (who surrived her first husband 66 years) d, at a mat age in 1640, and was bur, at Eckford "; between lines 84 and 85 iiijrrf ms under — BOTHWELLHAUGH. See under Abibbbothwiok " (vol viii, p. 253) in appendix. Una 40, aftmr " Heru;* add *< dejure Lobd Moils "; for ** (1349) 28 Bd. II," r€ad " 22 July 1349."