Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/369

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OORRTGBNDA, RTC., TO VOL. II. 369 p. 421 ; line 8, afier '< 1866," add "at 84 Prince's Gkie **; line 11, iffler " [L]/' odd "2d but only eurr."; line 20, far '*in Feb./' read "81 Jan."; line 43, t^ "m.." add "1 Aug. 1704." p. 422 ; line 2, after "nmle/* add <* being 6Ui e. of the 1st Baron "; tine 11, ft»r

  • »T«TNT, widow," read " widow of Sir Hugh Tyiiti"; Hoe 16, »/ter 'V.," add " s.p,";

line 21, t^fUr ** 1742," add **Rnd hap. at 8t. Geo. Han. sq."; line 26, after "1818," a^d *'at Liverpmil and was bur, at Barthomlej, oo. Chester"; b'ne 80, /or "a Ueut," read " (1820)." p. 423 ; in margin, far " 1835," read " 1836, to 1898." Line 8, i^fter *' 1831," add " He d. unm., at Crewe Hall, of iofluensa, 3 Jan. 1893, in his 82d year, and was hur, at Barthomley, when the peerage {er. 1806) became extinct. Will pr. at £89,677 gross and £83,366 net." Barldom. 7. Robbrt Offlbt Ashburton (CRBWB-MiLNB8,yorm«rfy I 1895 Miuin), Baron Houohtov, nephew (by the sister) and h. of the above, being s. and h. of Richard Honckton (MiLNia), 1st Babon Houghton, by Annabella Hungerford, da. of John (Criwr), 2d Barun Crbwi ; &. 12 Jan. 1868 ; tue, to tke peerage, 10 Aug. 1885 ; was er. 17 July 1896, EARL OF CKEWE, oo. Chester. See *< Uouohton," Barony, er, 1863, t«6 the 2d Baron, in the Corrigenda to that article. p. 425 ; in margin, far « 1650 ? " read " 1660." Line 16, for " before 21," read " 11 "; line 17, after •• killed," add " by the Master of SempiU "; line 26, for <* Mbntrtb,'* read » Mintbith "; line 27, after " h.," read •• b. about 1668." Note (b), line 1, after " Robert," add " or William." p. 426 ; line 83, after " 1880," add '< and Gentleman in Waiting, 1886-92 '*; last line, after " firstly," add *' about 1 April 1661." p. 427; line 6, for " Wrottbslbt," read « Wriothbslbt "; line 36, for "1706," read ** May and was bur. 1 June 1706, in East Wemyss church, aged 46." p. 428; line 6, for "1731 at CasUeleod," read *' 1780/1, at CasUeleod, at an advanced age. Hia widow d. 10 Aug. 1734 "; line 18,/vr " 1767," read « 1727"; line 31, for " 1749," read " 1794 "; after " 1642," add ** at Dunkeld, aged 80." p. 429 ; in margin, Jor " 1888," read " 1888, to 1893." Line 29, for '< She was 6. 21 Jan. 1856," read '* He d, s.p.m. at Stafford House, Si James', 24 Not. 1898, aued 41, and was bur. at Trentham, when the harldom and all his other dignities (accoiding to the extraonlinary limitation thereof) yW/ into abepanee^ idtar the manner of a Berony by writ. His widow, who was 6. 21 Jan. 1856, m. 7 Oct. 1895, at St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, Reginald F. Camnovb, sometime Lieut 6th Dragoon Quards and was lifing 1898. in. 1895. S. Thb Hon. Sibbll-Lilian Maokbkeix, eldest of the two daughters and coheirs ; b, 14 Aug. 1878 ; became, by letters |>atent, 25 Feb. 1895, terminating the abeyance of her father's peerage in her farour, euo jure COUNTKSS OF CKOMARTIB, VISCOUNTBSS TARBAT, BARONESS MACLKOn OF CASTLE LEOD and BARONESS CASTLEHAVBN." Between lines 33 and 34, inaert a$ under^— CROMER. ue,f "Crombr of Cromer, oo. Norfolk," Barony (Baring), er, 1892; see ?ol, viii, p. 238, in Affbhiiiz. p. 430; line 20, dele "who surriTcd him"; line 21, after <*1417," add "and was bur, at Lamley, Notts. The will of his wi<low, who was also 5ttr. there, dat. 26 July and pr. 10 Aug. 1434, at Tork "; line 30, after *' 1464," add *'He d, 8 Jan. 1465/6"; /or "nr. 19," read "pr. at York, 21." Note (•), line 7, rf#*# " the only husband "; after " had," add " no "; lines 9 to 12, dele " This lady's." to " that year." p. 431 ; line 21, for '* been a soldier, and," read " senred at the battle of Qariffliaao in 1608, being.'* Note (*), Une 1, for " 340," read " 430." • '