Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/399

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Barony [8.] ' XVI. Barony [UK.] II. CORRIGENDA, BTC., TO VOL. III. 889 16 and 2. Sidnst Hsrbbrt (£lphin8Tonb), 1893 ^^^ Klfhuistovi [S. 15101 also Baron Elpuikstoni OP BLFBiiiaTOVi [U.K. 1885], 2d but Itt BurT. s. and h.^«), h. 27 July 1869 ; iue. io ikt peetvgt 18 Jan. 1898. » In$eri ai note '* («) Hit eider br. James Dnimmond Elphinttone, Master of Elpliinetone, Lieut Gordon Highlanden, d, unm. and v.p. 9 Nov. 1890, Nged 25." p. 261 ; line 23, nfier "1650," mdd «< Will 1650 at Prerog. Ct [l.]"; Sine 25, afUr

  • ' m.," add " 28 Feb. 1635, at Middleham "; line 27, after *' MonMterevan," ndd

" Will 1680 in Prerog. Cu [L] "; line 31, /or 6. 1744," read " b,ip. 18 June 1644, at Middlebam "; tut line, eoHeUde « Hie wUl 1725, and her*s 1765 in Prerog. Ct. [I ]." p. 262 ; line 9, far '* PomoNBT," read " (Ponsonbt) "; line 18, after « 1768," add " Will 1767 in Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 29, cm^dude *' Will 1778 in Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 85, after " Lords," add " [1.1 "; line 45, after <• in," add " London, 14 Sep."; Isst line but one, after " eriinet/' add " Will 1788 in Prerog. Ct [I.]." p. 263 ; line 14, ft>r « in beir," read <* instead "; line 16, /ur *< six," read ** sixteen "; line 20, f^r <'Jane let,*' read "Jane, 1st"; line 23, wndfide '< Will 1807 in Premg. Ct [I.]"; line 82, after ** 1810," add 'at 8t Geo. Han. sq."; line 84, after " dL," add " of English cholera, at Ely Lodge, oo. Fermausgh"; last line but oim,/or "Tweedale," read •• Tweeddale." p. 264 ; in margin, far " III.," read " IV." Line 8, tufter "1868," add " Will nr. 7 Aug. 1890 at £6,602"; line 14, fifr "1890," read "1898"; line 24, f^fter " 1851," add " at Ardess Glebe, Ireland ; $ue. to the peerage 8 April 1889. He m. 21 Ntiv. 1895, at St. James*, Westmorland »treet, Maryleboue, Maignret Emma, } st dN. of Frederick A. Clark, of Lynton Court, oo. Sussex and Graoefield park, Bucks." Between lines 83 and 34 tnffrf^— /.A., ' II ALBS OP Emlby ' liarony (//o/eir), er, 1692, by James II., when in exile, with the Eabldom of TmTBKDBif, which see. line 49, after " MoHnoNT," add " BouLAtiiyiLLiBBS, of Perreux in Burgundy. She d, 4 Nov. 1890, at T«rvoe. He d. there 20 April 1894, aged 71. Will pr. at £6.244 gross, and £3,028 net II. 1894. 2. Gaston William Thomas (Monsill), Baron Emlt of TiRVOB [1874], 8d but only sunr. s. and h., being only s. by second wife ; 5. 5 March 1858, in Paris ; Gent. Usher to the Viceroy of Ireland ; eae. to the peerage 20 April 1894. He m. 5 Sep. 1881, at the Rom. Gath. church, Qammonsfield, Clonmell, oo. Tipperary, Frances Vincent de la Poer, 4th and yst da. of John William PciWKR, of Gurteen, oo. Waterford, by Frances, da. of Sir John Powsr, 1st Bart of Kilfane." p. 966 ; line 17, ftrr " by John," read " by Joan "; last Une but one, far " in," read " 21." p. 266 ; Between lines 18 and 14, ineeri a» under^ t.6., " Innbrdalv," Barony [S.] {Hamilton)^ er. 1643 with theDuKB- DOM of Hamiiaok [S.], which see. line 27, after " ^.," add " 12 March "; line 85, nfur " 1803," add of influenxs, at Haslewood, oo. Sligo." Note («), line 8, for ** was," read " were "; line 9, for " Kleenor," read " Eleanor." p. 267 ; line 2, for " 1805," read " (or 29 July), 1805, at PlAs Newydd, co Angle- sey"; line 11, after "1844," add "at North Mimms, Herts '^ line 12, far " Casamaijor. She," recul " Cabamajor, of the B. I. C. service, hj Maiy Christian, da. of Col. Thomas Paribsov. She. who was 6.' 16 June 1815 "; line 13, after << Aug.," add " or Sep."; lint 17, for ** Ufing 1890," read^'d. 2i May