Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/249

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248 CHURCHILL — CHURSTON. CHURCHILL OF WHICHWOOD. Barony. jf. Lord Francis Almerio Spencer, 2nd s. of George I 1815 (Spencer), Duke op Marlborough, by Caroline, da. of John (Russell), Duke of Bedford, b. 26 Dec. 1770. and bap. 26 Jany. 17S0, at St. Martin's-in-the-fields ; inatrie. at Oxford (Oh. Ch.), 20 Feb. 1797, being cr. D.C.L., 15 June 1S03 ; M.P. for Oxon (in 4 parts), 1801- 15 ; was, 11 Aug. 1815, cr. BARON CHURCHILL OF WHICHWOOD, co. Oxford. Col. of the Oxon Yeomanry Cavalry ; F.R.S., &c. He m. 25 Nov. 1S01, Frances, da. of Augustus Henry (Frczuov), 3rd Duke of Grafton, by bis 2ud wife Elizabeth, da. of Sir Richard Wrottesley, Bart. He d. at Brighton, 10 March 1845, aged 65. Will pr. April 1845. His widow, who was b. 1 June 17S0, d. 7 Jany. 18S6 at the Ranger's Lodge, near Charlbury, Oxon, aged 85. II. 1845. 2. Francis George (Spencer), Baron Churchill op Whiciiwood, 1st a. and h., b. 6 Oct. 1802, at Blenheim, Oxon. Ed. at Harrow School and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; matric. 10 April 1S21, being cr. D.C.L., 11 June 1834 ; Attache at Vienna, 1823-28 ; at Lisbon, 1828. Lieut-Col. of the Oxon Yeomanry, 1847 ; Commandant, 1857-74. He m. 19 May 1849, at Bifrons, Kent, Jane, 1st da. of Francis Nathaniel (Conyngham), 2nd Makcjuess Conyngham fl.], by Jane, da. of Henry William (Paget), 1st Marquess of Anglesey. He d. 21 Nov. 1886, at No. 32, Albemarle Street, Midx. Admon. 12 Aug. 1887, above £9,900. His widow, was b. 1 June 1826, Lady of the Bedchamber, 1854 ; V.A., 3rd Class ; living 1887. III. 1886. 3. Victor Albert Francis Charles (Spencer), Baron Churchill of Whichwood, only s. and h., b. 23 Oct. 1SC4, the Queen (Victoria), being one of his Sponsors. Page of Honour, 1876-81 ; Lieut. Coldstream Guards. He m. 1 Jany. 1887, at Cottesmore, co. Rutland, Verona Maud, 3rd and yst. da. of Henry (Lowther), 3rd Earl of Lonsdale, by Emily Susan, da. of St. George Francis CaUlfeild. She was b. 6 April 1865. Family estates. — The3e, in 1883, consisted of 5,352 acres in Oxfordshire, valued at £6,329 a year, and 3,760 in Wiltshire, valued at £5,304. Total 9,112 acres, valued at £11,543 a year. Principal Residences. — Cornbury Park, near Charlbury, Oxon; and West Lavington House, near Devizes, Wilts. CHURSTON OF CHURSTON FERRERS AND LUPTON. Barony. l. Sir John Buller-Yarde-Buller, Bart., was, on 2 t iosq Aug. 1858, cr. BARON CHURSTON OF CHURSTON FERRERS AND LUPTON, co. Devon. He was 2nd but 1st surv. b. and h. of Sir Francis Buller-Yarde- Buller, 2nd Bart., by Elizabeth Lydia, da. and h. of John Halliday, of Dilhorne Hall, co. Stafford, which Sir Francis was only s. andh. of the well-known Judge (1778-1800) Sir Francis Buller, of Lupton, Devon, who was cr. a Baronet, 13 Jany. 1790. He was 6. 12 April 1799, at Dilhorne afsd. ; matric. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.) 15 May 1816 ; B.A and 2nd class in classics, 1819 ; M.A., 1822 ; being cr. D.C.L., 9 June 1853. He site, his Father in the Baronetcy and family estates, 17 April 1833 ; and was M.P. for South Devon, 1835 till 1858, when he was raised to the peerage as afsd. Lieut.-Co]. of the South Devon Militia, 1845 ; Special Dep. Warden of the Stannaries, 1852. By royal lie, 28 Feb. 1860, he discon- tinued for himself and his issue the name of Duller, before that of Yarde-Buller. He >». firstly, 24 June 1823, Elizabeth, sister of John, 1st Babon Winmarleigh, da. of Thomas Wilson- Patten, of Bank Hall, co. Lancaster, by Elizabeth, da. of Nathan Hyde. She d. 20 Feb. 1857. He m. secondly, 16 April 1861, at Mamhead, Devon, Caroline, 3rd da. of Sir Robert William Newman, 1st Bart., by Mary Jane, da. of Richard Denne, of Winchelsea, Sussex. She d. s.p. 27 Nov. 1866, at No. 2, Upper Portland Place, Midx. He d. 4 Sep. 1871, in his 73rd year, at Lupton House, South Devon. Will pr. under £18,000. II. 1871. 2. John (Yarde-Buller), Baron Churston of Churs- ton Ferbers and Lupton, grandson and h., being 1st s. and h. of the Hon. John Yarde-Buller, by Charlotte, da. of Edward SachevereE Chandos-