Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/27

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26 BRISTOL. da. of Charles Walcott of Waleott, Salop. He d. at Paris 21 Jan. 1652/3, and was bur. " in a cabbage garden " there. Will dat. 3 Dec 1651 at St. Genuaiiis-en-laye, pr. 30 July 1660. (, a ) His widow d. 1658 and was but. at Sherborne. M.I. II. 1653. 2. George (Digby), Earl op Bristol, &c, p. otad h. 6. Oct. 1612, at Madrid. He is said to have been ed. at Mag. Coll. Oxford, of which Univ. he was cr. M.A. 31 Aug. 1636. Was M.P. for Dorset, 16 10. In Nov. 1640 he was one of the Managers for the impeachment of the Karl of Strafford, but, having discovered the injustice of charges made against him, voted (21 April 1641) against his attainder. On 9 June 1611 he was sum. to Pari, in his Father's Barony, as LORD DIGBY OF SHERBORNE, and, ever after, adhered to the Hoyal cause, being Col. of 8 Reg. of Horse, and Gov. of Nottingham, 3612 ; Sec. of State, 1643-49 ; High Steward of the Univ. of Oxford, 1643-46, and, again, 1660-63. Lieut-Gen. (north of Trent) 16 15. Excepted from pardon, 24 Oct. 1618 by the Pari, when he retired abroad and became Lieut -Gen. in the French army, 1651. Was nom. and fare, K G. at Paris, Jan. 1652/3 ; inst 15 April 1661. Sec. of State, P.C., and Lieut-Gen. for England, 1657, till incapacitated by having become a Koman Catholic. He m. Anne, 2nd da. of Francis (lU'SsRix), 1th EARL OF BEDFORD, by Catharine, da. and coheir of Giles (Bridges), Lord Chan-dos. He </. at Chelsea, 20 March 1676/7, and was bur. the 24th at Chenies, Bucks. Will dat. 5 Oct. 1 0T5 , pr. 10 April 1677.() His widow d. 26 Jan. 1696/7 and was bur. 1 Feb. at Chenies afsd. Will dat 10 April 1696, pr. 3 Feb. 1696/7. III. 1677, 3. Jam (Digby), Earl of Bristol [1622] ami Baron to Digby ok Subrbohnk [IGIS], 1st and only surv. s. and h.. b. about 1635. 1698. M.P. for Dorset, 1675-77. Lord Lieut, of Dorset 1079-85 and 1689, Vice Admiral of Poole. He m. firstly, 26 March 1656, at llohbingworth, Essex, Alice, da. and h. of Robert Bourne of Blake Hall in that parish. She d. s.p. and was bur. 28 May 1658 at Bobbingworth. lie m. secondly Aug. 1663, Rachael, da. and coheir of Sir Hugh WyndhaM of Stilton, Dorset, Justice of the Common Pleas, by his first wife Jane, da. of Sir Thomas WoDBHDDSB, Bart. He d. s.p. 18 Sep. 169S when all his honours became extinct. He was bur. at Sher- borne, where his monument is said to have cost £1500. His widow d. 16 Feb. 1708. Will pr. June 1709. IV. 1714 1. John (Hervey), Baron Hervey of Ickworth, was, on 19 Oct. 1714, a: Earl of Bristol. He was 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. of Sir Thomas I1euvey( c ) of Ickworth, Suffolk by Isabella, da. of Sir Humphrey May, Vice Chamberlain to Charles I. lie was b. 27 Aug. 1666, and is said to have been ed. at Cambridge. On 27 May 1694 he luc. his Father (who (/. in his 69th year) (•) In his character by "Clarendon" he is described as "of a grave aspect, a presence that drew respect, land] a very handsome man [who] by the extraordinary favour of King James to his person [was] Ambassador to Spain, before he was 30. Tho' he was a man of great parts and a wise man in Council he was passionate and supercilious and was too voluminous in discourse, so that he was not considered there with much respect." ( b ) According to " Clarendon " he was " a man of very extraordinary parts by nature and art, a graceful and beautiful person, equal to a very good part in the greatest affairs, but the unfittest man alive to conduct them, having an ambition and vanity superior to all his other parts, and a confidence in himself which sometimes intoxicated, transported, and exposed him." Horace Walpole says of him " He was a singular person whose life was one contradiction. He wrote against Popery and embraced it ; he was a zealous opposer of the Court and a sacrifice for it ; was con- scientiously converted in the midst of his prosecution of Lord Strafford and was most unconscientiously a prosecutor of Lord Clarendon. With great parts he always hurt himself and his friends; with romantic bravery he was always an unsuccessful commander." ( c ) An account of the Hervey family, by Lord Arthur Hervey (afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells) with a history of the parish of Ickworth, is printed iu the proceedings of the Archaeol. Inst, of Suffolk: for 1856.