Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/437

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436 CULL EN. county. He d. July 16S7, ancl was, probably, bur. at St. Peter's, Rushton.( a ) Will dat. 20 May 1687, pr. (the exors. having renounced 8 Dec 1688) 11 May 1689 and 12 June 1713. His widow, who was lap. 22 Oct. 1640, at Biddulpb, co. Stafford, sue, on the death of her great uncle, Sir Christopher Trentham, not only to the estate of the Trentham family at Kocester abovenamed, but also in 1654 to that of the family of de Vere, Earls of Oxford, at Castle Hedingham, co. Esses; the two together amounting to £6,000 a year, at the then value of money. Her extravagance, however, was such, that the whole of her property was alienated before her death, her husband having even to obtain, in 1676, a private Act of Pari, to enable him to pay her debts and raise portions out of his entailed estate at Elmesthorpe for younger children. She, who is called " the beautiful Lady CuUeu,"( ,> ) was Lady of the Bed- chamber to Catherine, the Queen Consort. She d. at Kettering, 20 Nov., and was bur. 10 Dec. 1713 at St. Peter's, Rushton. M.I. Will dat. 5 June 1711, pr. 8 Feb. 1713/4. III. 1687. 3. Charles (Cokayne), Viscount and Baron Cullen [L], s. and h., b. 15 and bap. 25 Nov. 1658 at St. Peter's, Rushton. He was among "The Nobility in Arms with the Prince of Orange, 16SS" (the' one who refused to join the association for killing all the Papists( c ) in England), and formed part of Bp. Compton's escort of the Princess Anne to Oxford, in which city he caught the small pox and died. He m. 26 Dec. 1678 at Swarkeston, co. Derby, Katharine, 5th da. of William (Willoughby), 6th Baron Willoughby of Parhajt, by Anne, da. (whose issue became heir) of Sir Philip Carey of Aldenham, Herts, brother of Henry, 1st Viscount Falkland [S.] He d. iu St. Michael's parish, Oxford, 30 Dec. 1GSS, aged 30, and was bur. 3 Jan. following at St. Peter's, Rushton. Admon. 27 Feb. 1688/9, to Frances, Countess of Bellomont [I.], maternal aunt and guardian of his children. His widow, who was b. at Stansteadbury, Herts, 14 May 1655 (baptism reg. at Hunsdon, Herts), d. also of small pox,(J) within 6 weeks of her husband, at Elmesthorpe manor house, co. Leicester, the 11th, and was bur. 13 Feb. 1688/9 at St. Peter's, Rushton. IV. 1688. 4- Charles (Cokayne), Viscount and Baron Cullen [I.], only surv. s. and h., b. 4 Jan. 1686/7, at Swarkeston, co. Derby, bap. 17th following (from Elmesthorpe manor house) at Barwell, co. Leicester, sue. his Father at the age of two. In 1710, having obtained a private Act of Pari, for that purpose, he sold the estate of Elmesthorpe to Dame Mary Noel. He m. 11 July 17C6 at Melbourne, co. Derby, Anne, 1st da. of Arthur WaRRKN of Stapleford Hall, Notts, by Anne, da. of Sir John Borlase, Bart., sister and coheir of the 2nd and last Bart. She, who was bap. 2 Nov. 1684 at Stapleford, was bur. there 17 Jan. 1713/4. He d. 6 and was bur. 8 April 1716 at St. Peter's, Rushton. Will dat. 2 April and pr. 12 June 1716. V. 1716. 5. Charles (Cokayne, alias Cockayne), Viscount and Baron Cullen [I.], only surv. s. and h., b. 2 Sep. 1710 ; sue. his Father at the age of five ; ed. at Eton ; inherited, in 1714, the manor of Grindlow, in Hope, co. Derb}-, from his great aunt the Countess of Bellomont [I.] abovenamed ; was well known as a keen sportsman^) and on the turf. He (71. firstly, IS April 1732, at Stapleford, Notts, Anne, 1st surv. da. of, his maternal uncle, Borlase Warren of Stapleford Hall, by Ann, da. of Sir John Hari>ur, 3rd Bart, of Calke, co. Derby. ( a ) The Parish Register is not very accurately kept at this period. ( h ) Two portraits of her by Lely still exist in the family, one when about 25, threequarter length, with long ringlets, and the other, when about 16, recumbent and whole length, as Venus, perfectly nude. This last is a picture of great merit and beauty. She is coarsely alluded to in the well-known " State Poems." ( c ) See vol. i, p. 28, note " b " and the note marked t on page 29 thereof. (<*) Said to have been conveyed to her in a ribbon round a locket worn by her late husband. (°) One of the two, now extremely rare, engravings, of his famous stallion called "The Cullen Arabian," lias been re-issued in Taunton's "Race Horses," 1887, vol.-i, p. 5. (