Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/124

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122 LISTOWEL — LITTLE. Wrixon, of Ballygiblin, co. Cork, by Anna, da. of William Mansfield. She d. 5 and was bur. 11 Aug. 1810 (as "Baroness Ennismorc" ) aged 59, in Westm. Abbey. lie m, secondly, 5 March 1 SI 2, Amie, '2d da. of John Latham, of Meldrnm, co. Tipperary. lie </. at Kingston House, Knightsbridce, 13, and was bur. 24 July 1S37, aged 87, at Westm. Abbey afsd. Will pr. Aug. 1837. His widow d. s.p., 2 Oct. 1850, aged 81, at 39 Eaton square. [Richard Haise, styled Viscount Ennismi re (since 1822), 1st, ?. mid h. ap. by first wife. b. 20 March 1773 ; M.P. for A thy, 179S— 1800, and for co. Cork, 1S12-27. He 10 June 1797, Catherine Bridget, 1st da. of Robert (Dn i.ox), 1st Baron Clonbrock [I.] He d. v. p., 24 Sep. 1827, aged 54. Ilia widow, who was b. 11 Dec. 1776, d. 13 Oct. 1828.] II. 1837. 2. William (Hare), Eakl op Listowel, &c. [I. - ], grandson and h., being s. and h. of Richard Hare, sti/led Viscount Ennismork, by Catharine Bridget, his wife, both abovenamed ; b. 22 Sep. 1S01, at Bally-Ellis, near Mallow ; M.P. for co. Kerry, 1826-30; styled Viscount Ennismork after his father's death in 1827 till he sue. to the peerage [1.] iu 1887 ; Vice Admiral of Minister, 183S ; M.P. for St. Albans, Feb. 1841 to July 1S47 ; one of the Lords in Waiting, 183S-41, and 1853-56. K.P., 29 April 1839. He m., 23 July 1881, at Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk, Maria Augusta, widow of George Thomas WyndhaM, of Cromer, da. of Vice Admiral William Windham, formerly Lukyn, of Felbrigg Hall afsd., by Anne, sister of Peter Isaac, 1st Baiuin Rendlesiiam [I.], da. of Peter Thellusson, of Broadswoi tli, co. York. He d. 4 Feb. 1856, aged 54, at Morrison's Hotel, Dublin. Will pr. June 185C. His widow A. 31 Oct. 1871, aged 67, at Couva- uiore, co. Cork. Will pr. under £30,000. III. 1856. 3. William (Hare), Earl of Listowel [1822], Viscount Ennismork and Listowki, [1S16J, and Baron Ennismork [1800], in the peerage of Ireland ; s. and h., b. 29 May 1S33, at Couvamore afsd. ; styled Viscount Ennismork, 1837-56 ; Lieut. Scots Fusileer Guards, 1852-56, being severely wouuded at the battle of the Alma; sue. to the peerage [I.], 4 Feb. 1S56 ; was an, 8 Dec. 1869, BARON HARE OF CONVAMORE, co. Cork [U.K.] K.P., 20 Feb. 1873 ; a Lord in Waiting, May to Sep. 1880, He m., 31 Aug. 1865, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Ernestine Mary, yst. da. of Ernest Augustus Charles (Bruce), 3d Marquess of Ailesburv, by Louisa Elizabeth, 2d da. of John (Horsley- Bkresford), 2d Baron Deciks [I.] She was b. 15 March 1847. [Richard Glanville Harts, styled Viscount Ennismore, s. and h. ap., b. 12 Sep. 1866 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; sometime Lieut. 1st Life Guards.] Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 30,000 acres in co. Kerry and 5,511 in co. Cork. Total 35,541 acres, worth £19,500 a year. Princi] al Residence. Corn-a- move, near Mallow, co. Cork. LITTLETON, sec Ltttelton. LITTLE E ASTON. See " Maynard of Little Easton, co. Essex," Barony (Maynard), or. 1628 ; ex. 1775. LITTLE HAMPDEN. See " Hampden of Great and Little Hampden, co. Buckingham," Viscountcy {Trevor), cr. 1776 ; ex. 1824.