Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/131

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LGN DESBOROUG H — LONDONDERRY. 129 C July 1833, at St. Geo. Had. sq., Henrietta Maria, 4th da. of Cecil (Weld-Forestbr), 1st BASON Forester OF Willey Park, by Katliarine Mary, 2d da. of Charles (Manners), .]th Dims ok Rutland. She, who was h. 10 Dec. 1809, d. 22 April 1841, at Micklclinm Hall, and was bur. at Mickleham, Surrey, lie »t. secondly, 21 Dee. IS 17, at Weston Hall, in Shifltaal, co. Stallord, Ursula Limy Grace, 1st da. of Vice Admiral the lion. Charles Orlando Buidckmas (2d s. of George, 2d Baros Brad- ford), by Eliza Caroline, da. of Sir Henry Chamberlain. Bart He d. 15 Jan. I860, aged 51, at 8 Carlton house terrace. His widow, who was b. 22 May 1823, »!. 14 Dec. 18(31. the lit. Hon. Lord Otho Augustus Fitzgerald, who d. 19 Nov. 1882, aged 55. She d. 12 Nov. 1888* aged 60. II. 1SG0. £ ami 7. William Henry Forester (Dexisos), Baroj* ■p 1 , LOSDESBOROUCH. s. nnd h. bv first wife ; b. 19 June 1834, and bap. ra ' at St. Geo. Han. sq. ; ed. at Eton ; M.P. for Beverley, 1857-59, and I. 18S7. for Scarborough, 1859-60; IVC to the peerage, 15 Jan. 1SC0; Vice Admiral of the Yorkshire Coast. He was cr., 1 July lSS7,( il ) VISCOUNT RAINCLIFFE of Raincliilc, in the North Riding of co. York, and EARL OF LONDESBO ROUGH in the said county. He m., 10 Sep. 1S03, at St. Geo. Han. tq., Edith Frances Wilhelmiua, yst. da. of Henry (Somerset), 7th Duke of BEAUFORT, by his second wife, Emily Frances, da. of Culling Charles S.mitu. She was b. 1 June 1S38. [William Francis Henry Denison, xtyled Viscount Raincliffe, s. and h. ap., b. 30 Dec. 1864, in Hill street, Berkeley square; sometime in the Royal Navy. He m., 11 Aug. 1887. at St. Andrew's. Wells street, Marylebone, Grace Augusta, 1st da. of Francis William Henry (Fane), 12th Earl ok Westmorland, by Adelaide Ida, 2d da. of Richard William (Howe, formerly Cuezon), 1st Earl Hows. She was b. 3 Oct. ISo'O.] Family Estates. — These, in 18S3, consisted of 52,055 acres in the three several Ridings of Yorkshire, worth £07.870 a year. Principal Residence. Londesborough Park, near Market Weighton, Yorkshire. LONDONDERRY. Earldom [I ] Thomas Ridgeway, of Tor Mob.uu,( b ) co. Devon, s. T 1622 • Thomas R. of the same, by Mary, da. of Thomas South- cote, of Bovey Tracey, in the said county, was b. about 1505 ;(<•') sue. his father, 27 June 15fl7, and, having served in Ireland, was kiiiyhtcd in 1600, in which year he was Sheriff of Devon ; was M.P. for Devon temp. James I. and employed in the colonization of Ulster; P.O. [t.] ; was cr. a Baronet, 25 Nov. Hill, and was cr., 25 May 1016,('l) LORD RIDGEWAY, BARON OF GALLEN-RIDGEWAY [I.], and n'ually.l 0 ) 23 Aug. 1623, EARL OF LONDON- DERRY [1.] He »i. Cicely (sometime Maid of Honour to Queen Elizabeth) sister and coheir of Henry Macwilliam. He d. in. London 1631. ( a ) This was one of the "jubilee " creations. See vol. ii, p. 238, note " a," sub " Cheylesmore," for a list of these. ( b ) The sito of Tor Abbey was purchased at a later date, about 1599, by the family of Ridgeway, from that of Seymour. ( c ) The date of the marriage of his parents was 1502-63. () Privy Seal dat. 19 Feb. 1015/0, at Newmarket, the King by his letters subsequently declaring that he should have the precedence of Barons Brabazon and Moore [I.], whose creations by the Privy Seal were dated 1 1th and 15th respectively of the said month of Feb. but whose patents were not signed "till July 1016. (°) "Sir James Erskiue, of Tullibody (yr. br. of .Thomas, 1st Earl of Kellie [S.] ), was a reckless spendthrift, in consequence of which, being driven to Ireland wilh a blank patent of the dignity of an Earl from James VI. [S.] (of whom he and his kindred were favourites) thereby to recruit his bankrupt fortunes, he acquired hy its sale to the highest bidder the estate of Agher." [lliddcll, pp. S69— 870, where' the authority is given and it is added] " The patent in question was thus advantageously disposed of to Thomas, Lord Ridgeway, afterwards, in 1022, through this honourable transaction, Earl of Londonderry." K