Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/210

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208 MANCHESTER. firstly, 6 Feb. 1023, Susanna, da. of John Hill, of lloniley, by Dorothy, sister of Mary, sua jure Countess ok Bitkingiia.m, da, of Anthony Beaumont. She d. e.p. He in. secondly, 1 July 1625, at Stoke Newington, Midx., Anne, da. of Robert (RlOH), 2d Karl ok W.uuvick, by his first wife, ('ranees, da. of Sir William Hatton, alias Newpobt. Shed. 14 Feb. 1641. M.I. (as " Latty MandevilW) at Kimbolton. He m. thirdly, 20 Dee. 1042, at St. Mary's Aldermanbury, London, Essex, widow of Sir Robert IIeyill, KB., da. of Sir Thomas Ciieke, of rirgo, co. Essex, by Essex, da. of Robert (Rich), 1st Eaiil of Warwick. Slie ( /. at Twickenham, .Midx., 28 Sep., and was bui: 13 Oct. 1658, at Kimbolton. M.I. He m, fourthly, July 1649, Eleanor, Dow. Countess ok Warwick, relict (1) of Sir Henry Lee, Bart., of Quarendon (2) of Edward (Ratclivek), 0th Eaul of Si'sses. who d. 1041 ami (3) of Robert ( Rich), 2d Eahl OK WARWICK, she being Itll da. of Sir Richard WoliTI.EV, eo. York, by Elizabeth, da. of Edward BoiiOHToN, .if Cawstoii, eo. Warwick. She was bur. 31 Jan. 1060. at Kimbolton. Will pr, 1007. He in. fifthly and lastly (Lie. Vic. Gen., 31 July 1007), Margaret, Dow. Countess of Carlisle, da. of Kraueis (Rcssell), 4th Eaul ok Bedvobd, by Katharine, da. and h. of Giles (BrtDOBS), 3d Bauox Ciunoos ok Sidelky. He </., somewhat suddenly of "eholic," 5 May 1071. in his 69th year, at Whitehall, and was bur. nt Kimbolton. M.I. Will pr, June 1071. His widow was bur. 1 Dec. 1070 (in the Russell vault) at Chenies. Bucks. Will pr, 1070. III. 1G71. J. Robert (Montagu), Eaul of Manchester, &c, s. and h. by second wife; b. and bap. 25 April 1034, at St. Margaret's, Weatm. ; styled Viscocnt Mandkhvili.e, 1642-71; M.I', for Huntingdonshire, 1600-71 : was one of the six ^by courte.-y sti/lcd) Lords, part of 12 Commoners deputed to the Hague, 7 May 1000, to invite the return Of the King ; Train Bearer at the Coronation, 18 April 1001 ; Gent, of the Bedchamber, 1000 SI ; Capt. of a Reg. of Horse, 1060; sue. to the peenv/e, f> May 1071, taking his seat, 1 Feb. 1072 ; Joint Lord Lieut, of Co. Huntingdon. 1671-81, He i«. 27 June 1655, at St. Gile's in the fields, Anne, da. of Sir Christopher Yei.vkhth.v, 1st Bart., of East on Maiiduit, CO. Northampton, by Anne, da. of Sir Thomas TWISDKN, Bart. He d. at Montpelier, in France, 14 March 16S23, aged 48, and was bur. at Kimbolton. Will pr. 1684. His widow Charles MONTAOD, afterwards 1st EaRL OK HALIFAX (who <£. HI May 1 7 1 "i, aged 54J, and was Jar. 28 July 109S,(") at St. James', Westm. IV. 1G83. 4 unil 1. Charles Montagu), Earl of Manchester, T, i j Sc., 3d but 1st surv. s. and h., b. about 1002, styled Viscount •uiu^eaom. Mandeville, 1071-83; ed. at Triu. Coll., Cambridge; M.A., 1680; I. 1719. s »c to the peerage, 14 March 1082/3 ; Carver to the Queen Consort at the Coron. of James II., 23 April 16S5 ; Capt. of g Troop of Horse, 168o ; was a vehement, supporter of the revolution ;( b ) bearer of St. Edward's staff at the Coron. 11 April 1089, of WiUiam and Mary ; was at the battle of the Boy ne, 1690 ; Capt. of the Yeoman of the Guard, 1689 — 1702; Lord Lieut, of Huntingdon, 1089. and again 1714. B.C., 1698; 1702 and 1714. Ambassador to Venice, 1097-93 ; to Paris, 1099— 1701, and to Vienna, 1706-08. High Steward of the Univ. of Cambridge, 1697 ; Sec. of State for the North, Jan. to May, 1702 [(«) a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1714 ; Carver at the Coron. of George L, 20 Oet. 1711, by whom he was er. 28 April 1719, Dl'KE UK MANCHESTER. He m. (I ic. at Kac. office, 19 Feb. 1090/1, to marry at Btemar, Hants), Dudington, 2d da. and coheir of Robert (Gkeville), 2d BARON BROOKE ok'CHAmi's Couiit, by Anne, da. and at length heir of John Dodington, of Bremer. She d. 6 Feb. 1720/1. He d. 20 Jan. 1721/2, aged about 60. Will pr. 1722. See as to her, vol. iv, p. 135, note "g" sub " Halifax." (") He was one of the nobility "in arms" for the Prince of Orange, 1088, for a list of whom see, vol. i, p. 28, note b," sub "Abingdon." («) Macky in his "Characters," says of him, "when about 40" that "he is a gentleman of greater application than eapaeity ; of good address, but no elocution ; is very honest ; a lover of the constitution of his country, which he takes pains to understand and serve ; is of a middle stature, well shaped, with a very beautiful counteuance ; fair complexion.' '