Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/247

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MARCH — MARCH-MONT. 245 VIII. 1479, 1. Edward (Piastagejtet), Dukb op Cornwall at bis to birth, 2 Nov. 1470, being s. and b. ap. of King Edward IV. 14S:>. next abovenamed, was it. Prince of Wales and EARL OF CHESTER, 26 Juno 1 171 : or. DUKE OF CORNWALL, in Pari., 17 .Inly 1 171, and fondly was cr. IS July 1 1 7!». KARL OK MARCH and EARL OK PEMBROKE to hold the same dttrtug the King's pleasure. On 9 April 1483, he ascended the throne as Edward V. [pott coiHjuatutn) when all his honours merged in the Crown. See fuller particulars under " CORNWALL " Dukedom, 1470 to 1 483. IX. 1(519. J. Lord Stuart, 2d s. of Esine, 1st Duke of Lennox [S.], b. 1579, was cr. 7 June 1619, BARON STUART OK LEIOIITON ISROMSWOLD, co. Huntingdon, and EARL OK MARCH. (*) Heme. IC Feb. 1623,4, as Duke or Lennox, and d. 30 July 1824, See fuller particulars under "Lennox,"' Dukedom [S.], cr. 1581, under the 3d Duke. X. 1624. 2. James (Stuart), Duke ok Lennox, &c. [S.], also Eahl of March, &e. [E.], s. and h. ; b. 0 April 1012; sue. to the peerage, 30 July 1612. He was cr., 8 Aug. 1041, DURE OK RICHMOND, with a spec. rem. He d. 30 March 1655. XL 1655. -?. Esme (Stuart), Duke ok Richmond, Earl ok March, &c. IE.], also Duke ok Lennox, Sas, [S.], only s. and h. ; b. 2 Nov. 1049 ; sue. to the peerage, 20 March 1055. He d. num., 10 Aug. 1000. XII. 1660, 4- Charles (Stuart), Duke of Richmond, to Earl ok March, Earl ok Lichfield, &e. [E.]. also Duke 1672. ok Lennox, &e. [S.]. cousin and heir male ; b. 7 March 1070. Hewasir., 10 Dee. 1045, EARL OF LICHFIELD, &c, and sue. to the two Dukedoms [E. and S.], the Earldom of March, &e., 10 Aug. 1000, butt/, s.p.s., 12 Dec. 1072, when all his honours save the Barony of Clifton of Leighton Bromswold, became extinct or merged in the Crown. XIII. 1675. /. Charles Lennox, illegit. s. of King Charles II., b. 29 July 1072; was (when three years old) <•;•., .0 Aug. 1075, BARON OK SETRINGTON, co. York, EARL OK MARCH, and DUKE OK RICHMOND. See " Richmond " Dukedom, cr. 1075. MARCHMONT. Earldom [S.] l. Sir Tatrick Hume, 2d Bart. [S.], of Polwarth, co. I 1697 Berwick, s. and h. of Sir Patrick Hume, 1st Bart.() [8.1 of Pol- warth afsd., by Christian, da. of Sir Alexander Hamilton, of Inner- wick, was 4. 13 Jan. 1041 ; sue. his father in the Baronetcy in April 1618 ; was M.P. for Berwickshire, 1009-74 and 10S9-90. He had distinguished him- self for his opposition to the Government ami, being suspected of complicity with " Shaftesbury's plot," was imprisoned, accordingly, 1075-79. He took part in 16S5 in the rebellion of the Earl of Argyll (on behalf of the Duke of Monmouth) whereby he was "forfeited" and escaped to Holland, returning thence, in 10SS, when he became a great favourite of the new King ; was P.C. [S.] and was cr., 26 Dec. 1690, LORD (') See p. 67, note " a," si(6 " Lennox," as to his great uncle Robert (Stuart). Earl of Lennox [S.], having been cr. in 15S0, Eahl ok March in Scotland, which dignity became extinct at his death in 1580. ( h ) The Baronetcy was cr., 19 Dec. 1637, to heirs male. See " Jliddcll," p. 673, where it is added " that the date of creation assigned to this Baronetcy in 1625 [Qy. 28 Dec- 1625], is not- correct.' i I - S > 2 8 55 a- 1 GO'