Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/251

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MARISCHAL. 249 of Philosophy. This was ratified by Act of Pari. He. was High Commissioner to the Pari. [S.], fi June 1609. He in. firstly, Margaret (&. before 5 Dec. 1565), da. of Alexander (Home), 5th LOHO Home [S.J, by his first wife, Margaret, da. of Sir Walter Khii, of Cessforil. He m. secondly, Margaret, da. of James ^OnrLVY), Lord Ogilvy OF Airlie [S. ]. by Jean, da. of William ( Forbes), 7th Lonu Foudes [S.J He d. 2 April 1623, in his 70 tli year, at Duuottar Castle and was bar. iu St. Bride's, Duuottar. His widow hi.( ') Sir Alexander Stracuan, of Thornton. VI. 1623. S. William (Keith), Faui. Marischal, Lord Keith, and Loud Al.liUK [S.], s. and h., by fust wife ; had charters, v. p., 21 Oct. 1612, as " Loud KEITH, Master of Marisehal " ; sue. to the peerage, [S.]. iu 1623, and had charter 2S May 1625, of the Barony of Keith Marisehal in Nova Scotia. P.O. tn King Charles I. ; fitted out a fleet ill 1684, fur the service of Polaud. He w. Mary, da. nf John (Erskink), Earl ok [S.J, by his second wife, Mary, da. of Esme (Stuaiit), 1st Duke ok Lennox [S.J He d. 28 Oct. 1635. His widow m., as his third wife, Patrick (MaULE), 1st Earl ok Panmi uk [S.], who d. 22 Dec. 1661. VII. 1635. 7. William (Keith), Kakl Mams6HA% &c. [S.], s. and hi, sue to the peerage [S.], in 1635 ; joined the association at Cainber- nauld, Jan. 1611 iu favour of the King, raising a troop of horse fur his rescue in 1648. He escaped from the rout at Preston ; received Charles II. in 1650, at Duuottar Castle ; was imprisoned in the Tower of London, 1651-60, being excepted from Cromwell's act of grace, in 1651. P.O. and Pkivy Seal [S.J, 1660-61. He m. firstly iu 1637, Elizabeth, da. ot George (Seton), 3d E.vitl. ok Wi.ntoun [S]., by his first wife, Anne, da. of Francis (Hay), Earl ok Erroll [S.J Shed, in child bed, 1650, aged 28. He hi. secondly, April 1654, in London, Anne, da. of Robert (Douglas), Sth Eaui. ok Morton [S.J. by Elizabeth, da. of Sir Edward Villiers. He d. s.p.m.s. iu 1661. ( h ) His widow d. s.p. about 1689. Will dat. 27 Feb 16S6/7, pr. S Feb. 1688/9. [William Kelto, at if led Lord Keith, s. and h. ap., by first wife, b. 11 Aug. 163S, at Tranent ; d. an infant and v.p.J VIII. 1G61. S. George (Keith), Earl Marischal, &c. [8.1 l.i( c ) and h. male; served in the French army where he became Colonel; was in command ex parte Regit at the battle of Preston, 1648, and of Worcester, 1650 ; sue. to the peerage [S.J in 1661. He in. Mary, 1st da. of George (Hay), 2d Earl ok Kinnoull [S.J, by Anne, da. of William (Douglas), 2d Earl ok Morton [S.J He d. 1691. IX. lfiiJ-t. 9. William (Keith), Earl Marischal, &c. [S.], only s. and h., b. about 1660 ; sue. to the peerage [S.J iu 1691 aud took the oaths and his seat in Pari. 19 July 1698, opposing the Union [S.J aud entering a pro- test, as heritable Keeper of the Kegalia, agaiust their removal without his sanction. He appears to have favoured the Stuart cause aud is said to have been made K.T. in 1705 by the titular King James III. He was, however, Hep. Peer [S.], 1710-12. Ho m. about 1690, Mary, 1st da. of James (Dru.umond), 4th Earl ok Perth [S.J, by his first wife, Jane, da. of William (Douolas), 1st Marquess ok Douglas [S.J He d. iu Loudon, 27 May 1712, aged about 52.( d ) Fun. entry in Lyon office. His widow d. at M i'x inform. R. U. Stodart (late) Lyon Depute. () He left four daughters (1) Mary, Lady Hope of Hopetouu ; (2) Elizabeth Viscountess Arbuthuot [S.J ; (3) Jean, Baroness Baufl'[S.J, aud (5) Isabel, Lady Turner, all of wdiom had issue. (°) Of the two other brothers (1) Sir Robert Keith d. num. and (2) John Keith, of Inverurie, was cr., 20 June 1677, Earl of Kiutore, Lord Keith of Iuverurie and Keith Hall [S.J, the rem. of which dignities was extended, 22 Feb. 1694, so as to include the heirs male of the body of his elder br., George, Earl Marisehal, whom failing to the heirs general of his own body, which heirs general, on the death of George's grandson (the attainted Earl), iu 1778, became entitled to the Kiutore peerage. See sub " Kiutore." ("») His character, by " Macky," when "45 years old " is as follows, " He always apposed the measures of King William's reign, but waited on the Queen at her accession to the Throne and aeknowledged her Government. He is very wild, ineou-