Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/283

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MAYO. 281 III. 1792. 3. Joseph Deanb (Bouhke), Earl of Mayo, ol-o. [1.1, ABCHBI8B0P OF Tuam, br. and li. ; b. about 1710 ; wag Bishop of Lciglin and Funis, 1772-82, ami Archbishop of Tuam, 1782-94. He M. in 1760 Elizabeth, sister of John, 1st Eaul ok Ci.anwim.iam [I. j, da. of Sir Richard Meade| 3d Hart. [1.1, by Catharine, da. of Henry Prittie. His Grace (/. 20 Aug. 1794 His widow </. 13 March 1S07- IV. 179 I. J,. John- (Bourke), Earl of Mayo, ore, [I.], s. ami h. • b. IS June 17(51! ; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 12 Jan. 17S1 ; cr. D.C.L., 13 July 178$, having been styled Loud Naas, since 1702, till he sue. to the parage, 20 Aug. 1794; Col. of the Kilkenny Militia ; P.C. [I.], 1810: VtBV Peer fl 1 1816-49 j G.C.H. (Civil), 1819. He »., 21 April 1792, Arabella, 4th da.'of Villiam Mackworth Phaed, of Bitton house, Devon, by Susanna, da. and coheir of John Stokes, of Kill, in Aylesbeare, in that co. >hc, who was b. Nov. 1766, and was Lady of the Bedchamber to Adelaide, the Queen Consort, d. 19 Nov. 1S43, at Bersted lodge in Bognor, Sussex. He (/. there s.p., 23 May 1849, aged S2. Will pr. Sep. 1849. ' V. 1S19. 5. Robert (Bourke), Earl of Mayo, &c. [I.], imph«W and h., being only s. and h. of the Hon. Richard Bourke, BiSHor of WatSBFORD and Lismore [1813-32], by Prances, da. of Robert Fowler, AaeHBISHOP of Diulin, which Richard was next br. to the hist Earl. He was b. 12 Jan. 1797 at the Archbishop's palace, Dublin; sue, to tbe peerage [1.1 23 May 1819 ; Rep. PsBB [I.], 1852-67. He in., 3 Aug. 1820, in Dublin, Anne Charlotte, only da. and h of the Hon. John Jocelyn, of Fair Hill, eo. Louth (4th s. of ltobert, 1st Earl of Koden [I.] ), by Margaret, da. of the lit. Hon. Richard Fitzgerald, of Mount Ophalev. She (by whom he had seven sons) d. 26 Jau. 1S67, at Sydenham. He d. (a few mouths later), 12 Aug. 1S67, at 18 Cleveland square, Paddington, aged 70. VI. 1807. 0. KiciiAHLi Sut'TiiwEi.T. (IIoukkk), Earl of Mayo, &c. [I.], s. and h. ; b. 21 Feb. 1S22, iu Dublin: styled Loud Naas' 1849-67; ed at Trin. Coll., Dublin ; B.A., 1S44 ; MA., 1851, and LL.D., 1852 ; was M.l for co. Kildare, 1S47-52 ; for Coleraine, 1852-57; for Cockermouth 1857-68- P.C. [G.B. and I.], 1852 ; Ch. Sec. for Ireland, March to Dec. 1852, Feb. 1858 to June 1859, and June 1866 to Sep. 1S68. Viceroy and Gov. Gen. of India 1868-72 • KP.,(») 186S; G.CS.I. He m., 31 Oct. 1848, Blanche Julia, 4th da. of George (WtmdHAM), 1st Baiion Lf.confield, by Mary Fanny, da. of the Rev. William BLFNT. He d. 8 Feb. 1S72, in his 50th year, being assassinated at Port Blair, in the Andaman islands (while on a tour of inspection) by an Afghan convict, named Shere Ali. He was bur. (in state) at Johnston church, near Naas, 26 April following ('•) His widow, who was b. 21 Nov. 1826, was Lady of the Bedchamber, 1S72 and an extra Lady, 1S74 ; V.A. (3rd class) and CI., living 1893.( l! ) VII. 1872. 7. Dbrmot Robert Wtndhaji (Bourke), Earl of Mayo [1785], Viscount Mayo of Monycrower [1781], and Baron Naas [1776], in the peerage of Ireland, s. and h. ; b. 2 July 1S51 ; styled Lord Naas till he sue. to the peerage [1.], 8 Feb. 1S72 ; ed. at Eton ; an officer in the 10th Hussars and Gren. Guards, 1870-76; R»p. Peer [I.], 1890. He >«., 3 Nov. 18S5 at St. Mark's, North Audley street, Gerahliue, 1st da. of the Hon. Gerald Henry Brabazon Ponsonby (7th s. of John William, 4th Earl of Besskorough [I ] ) by Maria Emma Catherine, sister of George William (Coventry), 9th Earl of Coventr/ She was b. 7 March 1863. Family Estates. — These, iu 1883, consisted of 4,915 acres in co. Kildare ■ 2 360 iu co. Meath, and 559 in co. Mayo. Total 7,834 acres, worth £7,690 a year ' Frinciml Residence, Palmerston House, near Straffan, co. Kildare. (») He was cr. a Knight Extraordinary, 11 Nov. 186S, becoming a Knight iu Ordinary, 2 March 1869, by the death of Viscount Gough. He was invested at Calcutta (b) His untiring energy and profound good seuso made the three years of his nde most beneficial and it is spoken of by the Queen as " the able, vigilant, and impartial rule of oue who so faithfully represented her as Viceroy of her Eastern Empire, f ) She received from Pari, an annuity of £1,000 and from the Council of India a like pension, together with (from the latter) a sum of £20,000.