Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/323

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MOELS — MOHUN. 321 IV. 1.325. J h Sin John- he Moels, br. and h., whn in 1326-27, lind to been made K.B. He, likewise, was never sum. to Pari, as a Baron, 1337. h« served in the Expedition to Scotland in 1333. He M. Joane, da. of Sir Richard LoVBL, of Castle Gary, co. Somerset. He <!■ s.p.m. 1337. when the right to the Barony fell into abeuanCt.P 1 ) Esch. 11 Ed. III. MOFFATDALE. A' 1 ., " Johnston of Loemvoop, Lochmaben, Moffatdale and Evan- Dai.i;," Barony [S.l (Johnston), cr. 1081 with the Earldom OF Annandalh and IIartfkll [S.J, and again in 1701 with the Marquessate of Annandale [S.] ; see those dignities ; dormant 1792. MOHUN, or MOHUN DE DUNSTER. Barony by ], John i>E Moudn, of Dunster, en. Somerset , s. and h. Writ. ,,f John D e Ifoni'N, of the same, by his first, wife, Joan.( b ) widow of I 1299 William -Uu'iu.on, da. of William (dk Ferrers), Earl of Derby, by his first wife (to whom she was coheir) Sibel, da. and coheir of William (Marshall), Eaul of Pumrrokk ; sue. his father, 11 June 1 270, being then aged 10 years. He served in the wars in Gascouy and in Scotland. He surrendered, 1288-99, lands in Ireland to the King, receiving in exchange the manor of Long Gompton, co. Warwick. He. was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD V MIUN) from 0 Fob. S,9), 27 Ed. I., to 23 Oct. (1330). 1 Ed. III., being one of tho. Barons whose name (as " Johcs ie Mohan, Dominns ilc Sunsterre "), appears in the famous letter sent by them in 1301 to the Pope,(') He was at the Coronation of Edward II. He m. before 1299 Auda, da. of Sir John dk Tibetot. He d. about 1330. Back,, 4 Ed. III. II. 13.30, 2. John (de Moiiun), Lord Moiitjn, grandson and h., to being s. and h. of John DR MoHDN, s, and h, ap. of the last Baron, 1.376. by Sibylla, da of John dk SeqraTK, which John de Mohun d. v.p. lie was aged 10 at the death of his grandfather in 1330. He was sum. to a Council (which was not a Pari.) as early as 25 Feb. (13-11/2), 1G Ed. III., and subsequently was sum. to Pari. 20 Nov. (13-18), 22 Ed. III., to 4 Oct. (1373), 47 Ed. III., as LORD MOIIUN DE DUNSTER, the writs being directed " Join Mohun de Dunstcrrc." lie distinguished himself in the French wars under the Black Prince (") The coheirs were his two daughters, of whom [I.] Muriel, aged 15 in 1337, m. Sir Thomas Courtenay, and had (besides a son Hugh who d. s p.) two daughters, I'/:. (1) Margaret, who m. Sir Thomas Peverell, whose da. and heir, Catherine m, Walter (Hungerford), 1st Lord Huugerford and was ancest-ess of the succeeding Lords Hungerford (2) Joan, who in, Sir John Dynham, of Hartlaud, Devon, and who is represented by the descendants of the four sisters and coheirs (see 11 Coll. Top. ct Gen." vol. iv., p. 361), of her great grandson, John, Lord Dynham. [II.] Isabel, aged 12 in 1337, m. William (Botreaux), 1st Lord Botreaux and was ancestress of the succeeding Lords Botreaux ; so that the representation of one moiety and of half of the other moiety of the Barony of Moels vested in the family of Hastings (who had inherited both the Barony of Hotreaux and the Barony of Hungerford) till the death s.p. in 1808, of the 4th Marquess of Hastings. The representation, however of the other fourth thereof, not being so vested, made it an assumption on the part of the Hastings family to style themselves (as they sometimes did) as Lords Moels, the abeyance of that Baron v having never been determined in their favour. See vol. iv, p. 186, note " b," sub "Hastings." ( b ) Her parentage is wrongly stated in " JDuijdalc." See " Coll. Top. ct Gen.," iv p. 354. ( c ) See " Nicolas," pp. 761-809, for a full account of that letter. X