Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/330

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328 MOLYNEUX — MUNCK. VI. 17;i8. 6. C.uiYt.i. (Mor.YXi:rx), Viscni NT Moi.yxkux of Mauy- BttHOlTCH [I.], br. ami h. male: b. about 1680 : sue. to the /iccntf/c [I.], 12 Dec. 173S. Ho d. until, at Croxteth, 11, and was bur. 13 Nov. 17 15, at Scftou. VII. 1715. cV. William (Molyneux), Viscount Molyneux of Mauyhiiikh'cii [I.], I> r . and li. Ho was a Priest of the Society of Jesus. He sue. tu the peerage [I.J in Nov. 1745, but being "old and not having any intention to marry "released his estate to his br. Thomas, who, however rf. before him, 3 Dec. 17o0. He d- limn, at Seoles, 30 March aud was bur. 2 April 17f>9, at Sefton. VIII. 1759. 0. Charles William (Molyneux), Viscount Mm.v- NEIX Of Maryborough [I.], also a Baronet [1611], nephew and h. being only s. and h. of the Hon. Thomas Moi.ynkix, of Croxteth Hall, eo. Lancaster, by Maria, widow of Joseph Unit KIN, da. of .lames I.kvksy, of London. He was b. 30 Sep. 1748 ; sue. his father in the family estates, 3 Dec. 1750, and sue. his uncle in the peerage [L], 30 March 1709. Having conformed to the established religion, 5 March 1709, he was, two years later, cr. 30 Nov. 1771, EAliL UF SEFTOJ1 in Ireland if*) see that title. MONAGHAN. i.e., "BlayneyofMonagiianO'Jco. Monaghan," Barony [I.], {Btayney), cr. 1021 ; ex. 1874. See "Rossmore of Moxagiiax, co. Monaghan," Barony [L] (Cvnimj- hamc, afterwards Wcstinra), cr. 1700 ; and " JROSSMOBK OF MONAOD AN, co. Monaghan," Barony [U.K.] I Wcstcnra), cr. 1S38. MONCHENSI, see MUNCH ENSI. MONCK. t.C, " MONCK 01' POTHEHIDGE, BEAUCI1AM1' AND TEYES," BaiOliy {Monck), cr. 1GC0 with the Dukedom OF Aldemaiile, which see ; ex. 1088. MONCK OF BALLYTRAMMON. Barony [I.] J. Charles-Stanley Monck, of Cliarluvillo co. Wiek- I 1707. ' ow am ' Grange Gorman, co. Dublin, 1st s. of Thomas Monck, Barrister at Law, by Judith, da. of Robert Mason, of Mason Viscountcy [I.] Brook ; sue. on the death s.p.m. in 1787 of his uncle Henry T 1^01 Monck, of Charleville and Grange Gorman afsd., to those estates; was M.P. fur Newborough alius Oorey, 1790-97, and was cr. 23 Nov. 1797, BARON MONCK OK BALLYTRAMMON, co. Wexford [I.], and, three years later, was cr. 5 Jan. 1S01, VISCOUNT MONCK OF BALLYTRAMMON, co. Wexford [l.J He m. in 1781, his cousin, Anne, da. of Henry QtJIN, M.D., of Dublin, by Anne, da. of (his grandfather) Charles Monck, of Grange Gorman. He d. 9 June 1802. His widow m. (as his fourth wife), Sir John Craven Garden, 1st Bart. [I.], who d. 21 Nov. 1820. Site d. 20 Dec. 1823. (■<■) " Sefton in Ireland " is, of course, a fiction. See p. 195, note " d," sub "Macdonald." ('■) The creation however is " Lord Blayney, Baron of Monaghan, co. Monaghan."