Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/406

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404 MOUNTMORRES. CASTLEMORRES. Barony [I.] Hehvej Morres, of Castle Morres, co. Kilkenny, T j - s. awl h. of Francis Morres, of tlio game, l>y Catherine, <la. and li. of .sir William Evans, Hart. II.], of Kilkreen, in that county, Viscountcy [I.] which Francis waa only saw, a. of Hervey Mobbks, 2d s, of Sir t i-r-> Redmond Morrea, 2d Burt. [I.J, (a dignity ci: 2$ March 1631) °' of Knockagh, co. Xipperary ; was 5I.P. for Irishtown, alius Canice, from 1784 until «, 4 May 1755, B.VUON M O U NT- MO 1! RES OF CASTLK.MOKIiKS, co. Kilkenny [I.], taking his seat on the 7th hist. He was or. in the subsequent reign, 29 June 1 7H3, VISCOUNT MOUNT iloKKES OF CASTLEMORRES, co. Kilkenny [I.] taking his aeat, 11 Oct. following. He m. firstly, 3 Nov. 171-2. Letitia, yst. da. of Brabazou (I'onsonhy), 1st Eaiii. of Bess- BOKOUQB [I.], by his first wife, Sarah, da. of James Marcktsox. She d. 9 Feb. 1754, aged about .'J4. He m. secondly, July 1755, Mary, widow of John BALDWIN, 2d da. of William Wall, of Coolnamucky Castle, co. Waterford. She, who was b. 9 Jan. 1713, d. Sep. 1779. He d. li April 1708. II. 17GG. .?. Hervey Redmond (Morres), Viscount Mouxt- MnRRKS OE Castlemorhes, tec. [I J, a. and I). by first wife ; sue. to the pccrui/f [I.], li April 17o'ti, and took his seat, 4 Oct. 1777. He, however, abandoned Ireland for London in "the fallacious hope of acquiring :i place in the English House of Commons 'V) fe> oppose the measures of the Coalition Ministry. He was or. M.A. of Oxford, :l July 170ti, and D.C.I*, S July 1773. He ia said to have sue- in 1795 to the (family) Uuromtcy [1.1 by the death of his distant cousin. () He d. num., 17 Aug. 1 7!'7, aged nhottt 54, leaving all the estates^') to his aisteia (of the whole blood) to the exclusion of his br. (of the half blood) the heir lnale-C 1 ) Will pr. June 1 793, a prior adinon. having issued in Jan . TIT. 1797. 3. Francis Hervey (Morres, afkrmrdg, 1815, Da Montmorency), Viscount Mointmohhes of Castle Mouhes, ttc [l.j, br. (of the half blood) and h., beings, of the 1st Viscount by the second wile, lie was b. 31 Aug. 175(), and sue. to the pccrwje [I.] tho' to none of the estates, 17 Aug. 1 71*7. He took by Hoyal lie, 17 June 181 5, the name of l>e Montmorency in lieu of that of Morres.^) " He m., 4 April 1794, Anne, da. of Joseph Keade, of Castle Uoyle, co. Kilkenny. She d. 21 July 1823, in her 4Sth year, at. Phis Nevin, co. Dublin. He d. 23 March 1833, aged S6. IV. 1833. 4- Heuvey (de Montmorency, fffrtiwrlg Morres), Vis- count Mountuoiuies ok Castle Moiuiks, &c. [I]., only a. and h.; b. 20 Aug. 1790, at Snugborongh, co. Kilkenny; was in Holy orders ; sue. to the pen-age [I.J, 23 March 1823 ; Dean of Cloyue, 1845-50 ; Dean of Achonry 1S50-72 ; chaplain (*) Wraiall's " Hist. Memoirs " where ia a spirited description of his person and his restless enthusiasm. Two "probationary odes" are assigned to him iu the " Uolliad," while " to all the other individuals selected for ridicule' - therein, only one is given. Wraxall also alludes to a singular escapade of some one (whom he conjectures to have been Lord M , " then a very young man " ) who personated the executioner of the King at the time of the Wilkes riots in 17GD. ( b ) This cousin, according to Foster's peerage (1SS3), was " Sir Nicholas Morres, 8th Burt," but according to Burke's (1893) was " Sir Simon Morres, tith Bart." ( c ) The annual rental of the estates of the second Viscount, as also that of other Irish noblemen then generally resident in England, ia thus stated iu the "Annual Register " for 1797 ; " Marquis Donegal, £48,000 ; Marquia Downshire, £24,000 ; Marquis Hertford, £15,000; Marquis Lansdowne, £13,f00; Duke of Devonshire, £11,000; Earl Fitzwilliam, £9,000; Earl of Barrymore, £7,500; Viscount Mount- morrea, £5,000 ; Viscount Downe, £7,000." ( J ) These devolved principally on the yst. son of Sarah, the yst. sister, by the Rev. Joseph Pratt. He assumed the name of De Montmorency and is ancestor of the family of that name now of Castle Morres. (•) See vol. iii, p. 401, note "c," sub " Frankfort de Montmorency."