Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/49

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LEICESTER, 47 ATI. 1382. 1. JoUS (I'LA.VTAGBNIiT, -i/l/Ud " of Gaunt).'") 4th s. of KiDg Edward III , having m. 19 May 1359, Blanche, 21 an, I yst. da. and coheir uf lleury ( I* LA NT a u k.n i; r) , HCKE OF Lanoastkii, by Isabel, his wife, both ahovenanied, obtained in her right, timCty [13S11 tUa uoiietu and finally (<>n the death uf her sister, Maud, Col'XTEsa hi Hain ai'i.t, .ilmveiiaui-idi in 1362. the wWe of the possessions of hsr father, heeouiuv^ (possible) thus (in 1361) EAltL OF L.VXOASSTKH, UEKBY A N 1 ) LINCOLN and in 1:102} EAlUi OK LEICESTER./ 1 ,, and Itijk Steward of £nyW/. lie was, 13 Nov. 1302, cr. DUKE Ob' > S LAS CAST lilt " Ho >t. 3 Feb. 1398.9, aged 5S. A7V/. A;.'/.9, 3. IIexuy (I j laxta<jexet, .<</W- uf Bo]in«- broke}, DyKio of Lancaster, Utkh uf Heuefokd, E.uil irsw. .... ,,. i , 13 , le of Dmiuy, Eaul uf Lincoln, and Earl uf LKKEsrat, V7y/i Sine ml of Eujlund, fie., s. and h., b. 1307 ; ' elected King as Heury IV. 30 Sep. 1898, when all his honours mer.jid in the Vr»wu. J XI. 15G1, Lord Robert Dudley, Sfch s, of J<slin (Dudley), Duke to OF NoUTIirMIIKHLANu (gu Cr. 1531 I by Jane, ila. of Sir Edward UflL- 1588. Fuitn, was 6. 21 Juno 1532 (or I5:i'j| and, having been Kniyhtid, m. 4 jline 1549 (when about IS) at Sheen l'alace, Surrey, in tin; King's presence,, 1 '/ Amy, the only legit, child of Sir John Kobs.ui, of Siderstern, Norfolk, by Elizabeth, widow of Roger Ai'H.eoaHD, of Staiistield, co. Norfolk, da. of John Scott, of I 'am berw cl I, Surrey. She. who was b. at Stat.'stiild about 1532, d. s.p. $ Sep. 15 0, being found dead at the foot of the staircase in Cumunr place, 15eik-«. She was bur. the -J2.I, iu great state at St. .Mary's. Oxford, M.I. Her death. 1 -') was generally supposed to have been contrive I by her husband to all'jw of his inari iage with (Jueeu Ehz.ibetii, whom there is " no doubt at all that on her succession she contemplated inarrying."( u J lie had iu 1551 been Cent, of the 1'rivy Chambir and, 1552-53, .Master of the BucUliouuds to King Edward VI; was M l', for Norfolk. tin: 1549-52 and 1553, but taking part (with his fattier) in proclaiming Lady Jane (Jrey as Queen, was cotiltuitted to tint Tower iu .Inly 1..53, attainted and sentenced to death 2o Jan. 1553, 4, but was pardoned 13 Oct. 1554 and restored in blood 7 .March 1 557/8. He was Master of the Horse, from Jan. 1 558/9 to Dec. 1587; el. K.G., 24 April ami inst. 3 June 1559: M.A., Cambridge, 10 Aug. IJS64 ; P.C ; ami having been suggested as a husband to Mary, Queen of Scots was. on 28 Sep. I."i04,(°) n: UAKUX UF HEN lilUH ami, on the day following, HAUL OF LEIl'ES TEH., 1 '; He was Chancellor of Oxford Univ. 1504, and was luaile Kniijht ol Michael of Fiance, 24 Jan. 1500 ; Lieut of the order of the (outer. June 1572 and April 1584. From 9 to 27 July 1575 ( a ) The following note (slightly altered from use by Nicolas) is given by Courthope ; "It is to be observed that at the Coronation of Ki.bard !l„ John of Gaunt, King of Castile and Leon, claimed as Hart o/ Leicester the High Stewardship ot England; as Duke uf' Lancaster to bear the chief sword called Curtatia ; and as Karl of /Aucohi to be carver at the King's table, all ot which claims appear to have been allowed. i'i-Je lted Book of the Kxclwajuer." { l l Sit Walter Scott, ui his " h'endic a th," falsilies history by representing this as a secret marriage. Fromlc in his " (vol, i, p. (*0J, remarks t.iat '• it had been a iovb match of a doubtful kind" [tho' he dors not iu.licatc what was the doubt] and that it was spoken of by Cecil as " uliptue curnulef." W "In 1581 the story adopted by Sir Walter Scott (in ' Keuild'orlh') was first publibhed iu a Jioel on UudUy usually known as ' Leu-crier's eumnv n Health.' There Anthony Eorster and Sir Uicbard Yerney were sahl to have Hung Lady Amy down- stairs, but none of the statements in this libel deserves credit. Iu spite of the suspicious circumstances of the death, nothing can be histoihally proved against Dudlev. The theory of suicide has most iu its favour." [.ut. Lo'jnq.hy J a ) "Nut. Htoyr- ( u ) 28 Sep., 0 Eli/.., >.e., 1504, tho' generally (in error) called 1503. ( f ; His connection with Leicestershire is not clear. Lauds in in other counties had been granted him iu 1503 ; see p. 48, note ,, a."