Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/6

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4 LANCASTER. March 1324, he was restored in blood and on 10 May 1324 was cr. Earl of Leicester. In 1327 he was restored to the family honours (forfeited in 1322 by his eldest br. ) becoming thus Karl ok Lancaster and sitting, as such, in Pari. See fuller particulars under that dignity, cr. 1207, sub. the 3d. Karl. He (!. 22 Sep. 1345. II. 1335, 2. Henry (Pi.antasenet), Lord de Lancastre, s. and to h. afs., b. about 1299, was v.p. Bum. to Pari, as above, 3 Feb. (1334/5) 13G2. 9 Ed. Ill, and was (also v.p.), cr., 16 March 1337, Earl or Derby. He was, after his succession to his Father's honours, cr. Karl ok Lincoln, 20 Aug. 1349 and, on 6 March 1S81/8, was cr. Di ke ok Lancaster. See fuller particulars under that dignity. Ho </. s.p.m., 13 March 1361/2, when (the rest of his honours becoming presumably extinct) the Baron; of l.ancastre fell into abeyance between his two daughters and coheirs. (•')

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III. 1362 ? 3. Blanche, Duchess OF Lancaster, possibly *m jure Countess ok Derby (see that dignityV.'la. and coheir, became sun jure Baroness Dk Lancastrk, on the death (1362 !) s.p. of her elder and only sister, Maud, Duchess ok Bavaria. She was 1st wife of John (Plantauanet), Di ke of Lancaster (4th s. of King Kdw. HI), whom she m. IP May 1359, at the age of 12 years. See fuller particulars under that dignity, cr. 13G2. She d. 136ft. IV. 13G9. J t . HXSRY (Plantagenet), Lokd he Lancastre ami to possibly (as early in 1369) Karl ok Dehuv, s. and b, b. about 1366. 1399. On 3 Sep. (1385), '■> Kic. II, he was sum. to pari, as Karl ok Derby. On 29 Sep. 1387, he was cr. Di ke ok Hereford and, on his fathers death, 3 Feb. 1398/9, he became Dike ok Lancaster. See toiler particulars under that dignity. On 29 Sep. 1399, he sue. to the throne as Henry IV, when all kit honours became merged in the Crown. LANCASTER [county of.] [Roger of Poitou, 3d s. of Roger, Earl of Shrewsbury (the " Comes Royerus " ( h ) of the Domesday survey), b. about 1060, having built the Castle of Lancaster and founded the priorv there, is sometimes said to have been (about 10P1 ') cr. KAHL OF LANCASTER He, who m. before July lO'.M, Almodis, da. and h. of Audebert II., Count ok La Marchk. in Poitou, is generally known as Count ok La Marche. He was banished from England about 1102.] [John (Plantaoenet), Earl of Gloucester, Gtb and yst. s. of King' Henry II., b. 24 Dee. 1166. is often considered to have been Earl ok Cornwall and sometimes EAUL OF LANCASTER.^') He was deprived of his honours in 1 !!>4 but restored in 1195. He ascended the throne, as King John, 6 April 1199, when all Ids honours merged in the Crown. See fuller particulars under the Earldom of Gloucester]. (■) These were (1) Maud, 22 years old at her Fathers' Death in 1361/2, m. William Count of Holland and Zealaud, Duke of Bavaria, and (/. s.p. about 1362. (2) Blanche, m. John (Plantagenet), Duke of Lancaster, as in the text. (•>) See vol. i, p. 138, sub " Arundel," as to this Roger, who, from his tenure of the Castle of Arundel, is sometimes considered as Earl of Arundel. ( c ) See vol. iii, p. 66, note "a," as to the Earldoms supposed to have been conferred on (Prince) John by his brother King Richard I.