Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/243

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STANMORE— STAPLETON. 241 STANMORE. Barony. J. The Hon. Sir Artiiur Hamilton Gordon, G.O.M.G., I 1893 W!ls 21 A "S- 1893, BARON STANMORE OP GREAT STAN 1 ' MORE, co. Midx. He was yot. s. of George (Hamilton-Gordon), 4th Haul of Aberdeen [S ], by his second wife, Harriet, da. of the Hon. John DOUGLAS, was 6. 26 Nov. 1S29; ed. at Trim Coll., Cambridge; M.A., 1851; ndttl. ad eunrfettt at Oxford, 1852; Assistant Private Sec. to his father, when Prime Minister, 1882-55; M.P. for Beverley, 1851-57; See. to the mission at Corfu, 1858; C.M.G.. 1859; Gov. of New Brunswick, 1S61-66, and of Trinidad, 1866-70; K.C.M.G., 1871; Gov. of Mauritius, 1871-74, and of Fiji, 1875-80, being High Comniissr. for the Western Pacific, 1877-83; G.CM.G., 1878; cr. D.C.L. of Oxford, IS June 1879; Gov. of New Zealand, 1880-82, and of Ceylon, 1883-90, being railed to the peerage, as above, in 1893. He m. 2 Sep. 1865, Rachel Emily, 1st da. of Sir John George Shaw-Lkfevre, K.C.B., by Rachel Emily, da. of Ichabod WbIOHT, of Mapperley, Notts. She d. 26 Jan. 1889, at Malta. t= Resilience. — The Red House, Ascot, Berks. STANTON-HARCOURT. Sea "Harcourt of Stanton-Harcourt, co. Oxford," Barony [Har- com-t), cr. 1711; Viscouutcy, cr. 1721; Earldom, er. 1749; all three ex. 1S30. STAN WELL. See " Windsor," or " Windsor de Stanwell " Barony ( Windsor) cr. by writ, 1529. STAPLEFORD. i.e., " Sherard op Stapleford, co. Leicester," Viscountcy (Slif.rard), er. 1718 : ex. 1/32; see " Harborouoh " Earldom, cr. (with a spec, rem.) 1719; ex. 1859. STAPLETON. Barony /. Sir Miles Stapleton, ( a ) of Wighill, co. York, was oy Writ, presumably 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. of Sir Nicholas de Stapleton(^ ), I. 1313 a "l u( 'K e of the Ring's Bench (d. 1290), by Margery, da. of Miles Basset, of East Haddlesey. He distinguished himself in the wars with Scotland; was Constable of the Castle of Knaresborough, 1305; and was sum. to Pari, as a Bnron (LORD STAPLETON) by writs from S Jan. (1812/81 6 Ed. II. to 26 July (1313) 7 Ed. II. He in. Sibell (heiress of Carlton, co. York), da. and coheir of John Bei.lew, by Laderina, sister and coheir of Peter Bruce, of Skeltou and Carlton. He m, secondly Joane, who survived him. He was slain at the battle of Baunockburn, 24 June 1314. ('>) H. 1314. 2. Sir Nicholas Stapleton, s. and h. by first wife, aged 25 at his father's death in 1314; was sum. to a Council (not a Pari.), 25 Feb. (1341/2), 16 Ed. III. He m. Isabella, da. of John (de Bretagne), Karl ok Richmond.(°) He d. 1342 and was bur. at Drax.^) Esch., 17 Ed, III. HI. 1342. 3. Sir Miles Stapleton.C) of Hathelsay, Carlton, and Kirkby Fleetham, s. and h. He was never sum. to Pari. He m. I") The name ia from Stapleton, a village on the Tees, between Richmond and Darlington. CO The pedigree of Stapleton here followed is that given in J. W. Clay's admirable WW*, entitled " Dwjdak's Visitation of Yorkshire [1665] with additions" [Genealogist H.8.1 vol. xii, p. 123]. (') "Mr. T. Stapleton calls her da. of Thomas de Richmond." See note "b" above. ( ) The more celebrated Sir Miles Stapleton, K.G. (one of the founders of that Umer) with whom this Miles has often been confused, was his father's first cousin R