Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/296

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294 STROK ESTO V N — STUART. STROKESTOWN. Sec " IIaktlanii, ' Romi-li s ciilleil " Hartlaxu of Steokkstows, 00, Roscommon, liarony [I.] (ilakon) : cr. 1800 : ex. 1S45. STUART, sue bIso Stewart. STUART OK CASTLE STUART. " Stuakt OF Castue S'lTJART, <•<>. Inverness," I'amny (Stuart), et, 1700 ; see " Moiuv " Earldom [S.], cr. 1 562, under tlie !Hh holder of that dignity. STUART DE DKCIKS. Barony. j. The Rt. Hon. IIeniiy Viluerss-Stuart, formerly I 1^3^ Nti'art, of Dromana. co, Waterford, 1st s. ami It. of Lord Kent}

  • ' StuaHT ,(/. I!' Aug. 1800, aged 32, being full sou of .lolin, 1st MAiuji'Kss

.„!'. of Bcte) liy Gertrude Emilia, ila. ami b. of George (Mason- Yii.i.ikiiM, I cw 4. i; A ni. <iii.M)i>ox [ I.], waa b. 8 June ISO:! in London, an. I having, "ii the death of his mother f:i0 Aug. 1809), sue. to the estates uf his mgtsrna] grandfather, took by royal lie., 1 7 Nov. 1 822, the name of Villia< before that of Stuart ; M V. in the liberal interest for eo. W.iterfonl. U)28.30 and for Banbury 1830-31 : L.-Lieut. of Waterford. 1S31 ; B.C. [1]. 1-880; Col. of the Waterford militia, 1S39 and was eft In May 1SS9, BARON STUART DE DECIES of I IrOOUUM, within the Deeies. eo. Waterford- He d. at Dromana, 23 Jan. 1874, aged 70, it is believed unm.( lj ) but certainly s.p. legit, when the peerage became extinct. STUART OF LBIGHT03J BROMSWOLD. i.e.. "Stuart of Leighto.n Bromswol (Stuart), cr. 1619, with the of March. .See '-Lennox" Dukedom [8.] under the 3rd Duke, with which dignity (as also with that of the Uukedutu of Richmond) this peerage became extinct in 1672. STUART OF NEWBURY. i.e., " Stuaut (if Newuuhv, en. Berks," Barony (Sivati), cr. 1G45, with the EarLDOM of Lichfield. See " RICHMOND " Dukedom, cr. 1011, with which dignity this peerage became extinct iu 1672. STUART DE ROTHFSAY. Barony. /. The Kt. Hon. Sir Charles Stcart, G.C.B, 1.4 s. I lS^S °' Lieut. Gen. the Hon. Sir Charles STUART, K B. (it. 25 March 1S01 aged -IS, being -4th e. of John, 3d Karl (if Bite [S.]l, by Louisa, 2il da. and coheir of Lord Vere Bertie (a yr. s. of the 1st Dike OP to lk4D. AncaSTER), was b. 2 Jan. 177!" ; entered the diplomatic service; joint chnrt/C d'affaires at Madrid, 1808 ; Envoy to Portugal, 1810, in which kingdom he was created Cot'NT of MaCHICO and Marquis of ANORA, and a Knight Grand Cross of the Tower and Sword ; G.C.B. , 20 Sep. 1812 ; l'.C. ; Minister at tin' Hague, 1815-16 ; Ambassador to Paris (where be hml, in 1814, been Minister), 1815-80, (") " This title was altogether rather strangely composed, particularly as there was already a Lord Decies of the family of Beresford. But we demur in limine to the tautology de Uecies of Dromana." [" Herald anil Ommlcf/itt," vol. i, p. 152, under ".Surnames with the prefix lie."] See also vol. hi. of this work, J). U7, note " b, under " De Tabley of Tabley House." ( b ) A lady called " Madame de Ott " is Bometiines said to have been his wife. Her death, as " Lady Stuart de Decies " took place at Wiesbaden, after a short illness, 7 Aug. 1867. The property of Dromana devolved on his illegit. sou, Henry Villiers- Stuai-t, 6. 1827, who unsuccessfully claimed Ida father's Barony in 1S74.