Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/384

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382 TEYNHAM. 1560, Elizabeth, da. and h. of John Tauke, of Malmain in fitoke, of rinckley, and of Perry Court in Preston-by-Faversham, all in co. Kent [Qi/. if not by ( — ) da. nnd h. of (— ) Hevdon]. Sho who was aged 12 years 7 months and 14 day? on 14 Jan. 1556/7, d. 15 and was but: 16 Sep. 1567 at United. .M.I. //17. p. m. at Hertford 27 Oct. (1567) 9 Eliz. He m. secondly, before 4 April 15S4, Elizabeth, widow of Robert Monson, sometime, 1574-79, a Jinlge of the Common Pleas (<<. 21 Sep. 15S3), da. and h. of John Dyon, of Tathwell, co. Lincoln, by Margaret, da. of Charles Yahiii:rgh. She was living 15S7, but d. s.p. before 22 Sep. 1593.( a ) He tl. at the Lodge afsil. 30 Aug. and was but. 6 Sept. 1618 at Liusted, aged 84. Will dat. 21 Nov. 1616, pr. 4 Dec. 1610. Inq. p. m. at Hilton, 7 July 1619. II. 1618. II. Christopher- (Roper), Baron Teynham, only s. and h. by first wife, b. about 1581, being aged 5 years and 9 months at the death of his mother ; Knighted at Whitehall 23 July 1603 ; sue. tn the peerage 30 Aug. 1648. He m. 20 June 1590, at Sutton St. Michael, co. Hereford, Katharine, da. of John Skbor.vb, of Sutton afsd., by Sibyl, da. of Hiehard Mo.vivc;.' TON, of Samesrield, in that county. He d. at the Lodge nfsd. 1 6 and was bur. 17 April 1022, at Linsted, aged 60. M l. Will dat. 22 March 1621/2, pr. 29 June 1622. Inq. p. m. at Sittingbuurne 26 Sep. (1622) 20 Jac. His widow d. at the Lodge 2 Oct. 1625, and was bur. at Liusted. III. 1C22. 3. John (Ropkii), Baron Teynham, 1st p. mid h., b. about 1591( b ); K B. at the creation of Charles, Prince of Wales, 3 Nor. 1016 ; sue. to the. peerage, 16 April 1022, being then aged 30. He m. (post nuptial settl. 20 Nov. 1616) Mary. 3d da. of William (PETRB), 2d Baron PetrB OF Whittle, by Katharine, da. of Edward (Somerset), 4th Earl ok Worcester. He (/. at the Lodge afsd., 27 Feb. 1627/8, add was bur. at Linsted, aged about 3S. Will dat. 28 Feb. 1020/7, pr. 6 April 1028, at the Consistory Curt at Canterbury, /117. p. m. 7 Ancr. (1628) 4 Car. ; 1 June (1629) 5 Car., and 25 Oct. (1031) 7 Car., shewing his possession of 20 extensive manorial estates in co. Kent. His widow d. at her house, above Rose Alley, in High Rolbom, 14 Hec. 16 10. and «M bur. at. Linsted . Funeral cert, in Coll. of Arms. Will dat 20 March 1639/40, pr. 5 June 1611. IV. 1628. 4- Christopher (RorEit), Haron Teynham, 1st s, ninl h a , h. about 1 021 , being aged 6 years, 10 months and 7 days when he sue. tn the peerage, 27 Feb. 1027/S. He was committed to the custody of " Black Hod v bj order of the House of Lords, 5 Sep. 1642. in which assembly, however, he was present 27 April 1660. He in. firstly about 1010, Mary, da. of Sir Francis I'.noi.ekiki n, 2d Bart, by Winifred, da. and coheir of William BROKF.snT. She d. 21 Dec. 1617, her heart being bur. in the Convent of Nieuport and thence removed to that of St. Elizabeth, at Bruges. M.[. there. He m. secondly Philadelphia, widow of Sir John Mill, of Newton, co. Hants (d. 1643), sUter of Sir Henry Knollys,;'") Hart, and M da. of Sir Henry K Nollys, of Grove place in Nursling, in that co., by Katharine, da. terms it, being the sum they were rated at. This money was presently delivered to the Lord Hay . . . Our good friend was promised to have had Sir John Holies for his prize, but the present necessity would not permit it . . . Eversham came to hiui from the L. Treasurer to assure him he should have £5,000 the next day, and for the other five he engaged his honour upon the making of the next Baron wdiomsoever" [J. Chamberlain to Sir D. Carleton, 20 July 1616J. See vol. ii, p. 272, note "b." ml) " Clare," as to the Barony of Haughton granted at this same date. The fond tradition that the Teynham peerage was granted by the protestant James I out of regard to the da. of the " popish " L. Chancellor More having married the uncle [ !] of the grantee is practically disproved by the fact that the Ropers of Eltham, who were lineal descendants of that match and who were then (and till their extinction in 1724) of considerable position in that county, were obviously the proper persons (if any such regard existed) to be so honoured. (a) At that date it appears from the city of Lincoln records that £10 was dealt with, which had been left to the poor of St. Peter's, Fastgnte, by " Lady Hooper." ( b ) He possibly was the "John Roper, co. Kent," kniyhted at Windsor, 9 July 1603, tho' he would be but 12 at that date. It certainly was not bis grandfather, who occurs ns a Knight in many deeds long anterior, and there seems no other "John Roper " but this boy, existing at this period. ( c ) A good pedigree of this family (not the historic one) of Knollys by B. IV. Greenfield, is in the "Hampshire Field Club Papers," circa 1895 96.