Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/387

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TEYNHAM. 385 XI. 1781. 11. Henry (Roper), Baron TEYNrrAsr, 1st s. and h. ;

  • . at the Lodge afsd., 7 March 1733/4, and bap. 27 April 1734 ; sue to

the peerage 21 April 1781) taking his seat 10 July following. Ht; m. firstly, 2 June 1753, at St. Goo., Han. so, , Willielraina Maria, 1st da. and coheir of the" Rev. Sir Francis Hkap, 4th Bart., of Hermitage, op, Kent, by Mary, da. and coheir of Sir William Buys. She d. s.p. and was tan 7 Nov. at St. James,' Westra., but afterwards was removed to Hicham, near Rochester. He m. secondly, 1 Oct, 1760, at St. James,' We.stm., Betty, widow of John Mills, of Woodford bridge, co. Essex, da. of Joseph WkdBKR, of Taunton, co. Somerset. Had. in Clarges street, and was bur. 27 Dec 1780, at Linsted, ftged .".2. Will dat. 11 Nov. 1778, pr. 11 May 17S7. His widow, who was //. at Taunton, 1727, d. at Margate, 4, and was bur. lit Nov. 1793, at United. Will dat. 11 Nov. 1 778, pr. 31 March 1791. XII. 178G. /,?. Henry (Roper), Baron- Teykoam, 1st s. and h. ; b. 3 and bap. 31 .May 176.4, at St. Anne's, Soho ; mat. at Oxford (Oriel Coll ), 23 May 1783, and was cr. M.A. 16 Dec. 17S5 ; sue. to the peerage, 17 Dec. 1780, taking his seat, 5 Feb. 1787. Died num. in Charges street, 10 and was bur. IS Jan. 1 800, at Linsted, aged 35. Will dat. 10 Juue 1701, pr. 1 Feb. 1S00. XIII. 1800. John (Roper), Baron Tbyhham, only and h., being 3d and yst. s.(«) of the 11th Lord ; b. 27 March ami bap. 23 April 1707, at St. Anne's, Soho ; was sometime (17S5-SS) a Cornet in the 15th bight Dragoons : sue. to t/ic peerage, 10 Jan. 1800, taking his seat, 27 Jan. 1S01. He d. asm. at Linsted Lodge ti and was bur. 16 Sep. 1821 at Linsted, aged 07. Will dat. 5 Dec. 1S23, pr. 20 Nov. 1824.(t') XIV. 1824. lJf. Henry Francis (Roper-Curzon, formerly Curson, and before that RoPKR), ButoN Tetnham, 1st cousin and h. male, being 1st s. anil h. of the Hon. Francis Kni'Klt, by Mary,( c ) da. and eventually coheir of Lancelot Lyttelton-,( (1 ) sometime of Lichfield, by [Charlotte?] da. of John RltlNCKIiritST abovenanied.( h ) which Francis (who d. 13 May 1793, at St. Ouier iu France, aged 55J was 4th s. of the 10th Lord. He was b. at Mr. Prior's house, High Holborn, St. Giles' in the fields, 9 and bap. there 12 May 1767 (Horn. Cath. Registry), being registered at Linsted. By royal lie, 22 Feb. 17S8, he took the name of C'ursou in lieu of that of Roper, on succeeding to the estate of VYaterperry, Oxon, under the will (dat. 2 Oct. 17S0 and pr. 29 Oct. 17S7) of his cousin, John Baunewall-Cukson; 0 ) of the same. He was Lieut. Col., 1S04, and Commandant, 1S10 — 1814, of the Oxford (") Philip Robert, the 2d s.,6. 20 Feb. and bap. 22 March 1765, at St. Aune's, Soho, was 6nr. 20 April following, at Linsted. ( h ) At his death Linsted Lodge and the other estates of the Lords Teynhara devolved on the family of Tyler, who still (1896) possess them ; Francis Henry Tyler, Solicitor, having Bl. consecutively both the sisters of the late (13th) Lord (to whom, thro' his mother, he was first cousin) and having bad issue by both. (°) She, who was bap. 11 Fell. 1730/7, at the chapel of the Savoy, in the Strand, d. at Cambridge terrace, Regents Park, 15 July 1834, iu her 98th [!] year. ('■) He was s. and b. of Walter Littleton, of Lichfield (will pr there 5 Sep. 1733), by Elizabeth, da, of Thomas Goring, of Oallowhill, CO. Stafford, which Walter (s. of Walter and grandson of Sir Walter L., both of Lichfield), was great-grandson of Sir Edward Littleton of Pillaton. Iu right of this match the family of Roper are entitled to quarter the arms of Thomas (Plautagenet), Duke of Gloucester (son of Edward III.), thro' the families of Bourchier and Devereux. (°) He was only s. and h. of the Hon. Thomas Barnewall (1th s. of John, 11th Baiun Trimlestown [I.] 1 , by Frances, da. of John Brinckbnrst ami his first wife, Mary (sometimes called Elizabeth), sister of Sir Francis Curson, 3d Bart., of Waterperry, under whose will be inherited that estate. He was consequently first cousin to Mary, da. of Lancelot Lyttelton, and wife of the llou. Francis Roper (parents of Henry Francis Roper, afterwards 14th Baron Teynham, to whom he devised that estate) both beinc maternal grandchildren of the said Jobu Brinekhurst, tho' by different wives. See p. 384, note " b." The devolution of the Waterperry estate, from 1727 to abuut 1S30, is dealt with in the " Mis. Hen. et Her.;' 3d S., vols, i and ii.