Page:The Constitutions and Other Select Documents Illustrative of the History of France, 1789-1907, Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged.pdf/12

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10. Circular Letter of Louis XVI to Foreign Court. April 23, 1791. 39
11. Decree upon the Orgnization of Trades and Professions. June 14, 1791. 43
12. Documents upon the King's Flight. 45
A. The King's Declaration. June 20, 1791. 45
B. Decree for the Arrest of the King. June 2, 1791. 50
C. Decree for the Maintenance of Public Order. June 21, 1791. 50
D. Decree for Giving Effect to the Measures of the Assembly. June 21, 1791. 51
E. Decree in regard to Foreign Affairs. June 21, 1791. 52
F. Decree for Calling out the National Guards. June 21, 1791. 52
G. Decree upon the Oath of Allegiance. June 22, 1791. 52
H. Decree upon the Commissioners from the Assembly. June 24, 1791. 53
I. Decree concerning the King. June 24, 1791. 53
J. The Protest of the Right. June 29, 1791. 54
K. Decree concerning the King. July 16, 1791. 54
13. The Padua Circular. July 5 or 6, 1791. 55
14. The Declaration of Pilnitz. August 27, 1791. 57
15. The Constitution of 1791. September 3, 1791. 58
16. The King's Acceptance of the Constitution. September 13, 1791. 96
17. The Rejected Decrees. 97
A. Decree upon the Émigrés. November 9, 1791. 97
B. Decree upon the Non-Juring Clergy. November 29, 1791. 99
18. Letter of Louis XVI to the King of Prussia. December 3, 1791. 102
19. Declaration of War against Austria. April 20, 1792. 103
20. The Three Revolutionary Decrees. 104
A. Decree for the Deportation of Non-Juring Priests. May 27, 1792. 104