Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/166

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8°, printed as 4°, Size 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches. A11 Title.A12 blank.A2, 2 pages, Dedication to Prince Charles [see note].A31 Preface. A32–A42, 3 pages, Verses. B11–D22, pp. 1–20 The Descriptio, Lib I. D31–H42, pp. 21–56, Lib. II.

Signatures. A to H in fours = 32 leaves.

Paging. 8 + 56 numbered = 64 pages.

Errors in Paging. None, but sig. D3 is printed D5.

Seqvitvr|Tabvla|Canonis Loga-|rithmorvm seu|Arithmeticarvm | Svppvtationvm.|S’ensuit l’Indice du Canon des Logarithmes.| A Scavoir,|La Table de l’admirable inuention pour|promptement & facilement Abreger les sup-| putations, d’Arithmetique auec son vsage, en I’v|ne & l'autre Trigonometrie, & aussi en toute|Logistique Mathematique.|

Lvgdvni,|Apud Barthol. Vincentivm,|Cum priuilegio Cæsareo & Galliarum Regis.|

A11 Title.A12–M22, Table. M22, ‘Extraict’ or blank [see note].

Signatures. A to L in fours + M in two = 46 leaves,

Paging. 92 pages not numbered.

Mirifici|Logarithmorvm|Canonis Con-|strvctio;|Et Eorvm Ad Natvrales|ipsorum numeros habitudines;|Vna Cvm Appendice, De Alia |eâque præstantiore Logarithmorum specie condenda.| Quibus accessere Propositiones ad triangula sphæ-|rica faciliore calculo resoluenda:|Vnà cum Annotationibus aliquot doctissimi D. Henrici|Briggii in eas, & memoratam appendicem. Authore & Inuentore Ioanne Nepero, Barone|Merchistonii, &c. Scoto.|

Lvgdvni,|Apud Bartholomæum Vincentium,|sub Signo Victoriæ. |M. DC.XX.|Cum priuilegio Cæsar. Maiest. & Christ. Galliarum Regis.|

A11 Title. A12 blank. A2, pp. 3 & 4, “Robertus Nepervs Avctoris Filivs Lectori Matheseos Studioso. S.” A31–E21, pp. 5–35, The Constructio. E22–F11, pp. 36–41, The Appendix. F12–G11, pp. 42-49, Lvcvbrationes by Briggs [see note]. G12–H11, pp. 50–57, Propositiones Trigonometricæ. H12–H32, pp. 58–62, Annotationes by Briggs. H41, ‘Extraict’ or blank [see note]. H42 blank.

Signatures. A to H in fours = 32 leaves.

Paging. 62 numbered + 2 = 64 pages.

Errors in Paging. None.

On the issue of the Edinburgh edition of 1619, Barth. Vincent would
