Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/121

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Brought them vpon him, in their future wrack.
For soone as they had purchast but his view;
Mutuall signes past them; and ashore they flew:
Tooke him; and brought him, instantly aborde;
Soothing their Hopes, to haue obtain'd a Horde
Of riches with him; and a Ioue-kept King
To such a Flowre, must needes be naturall spring.
And therefore-strait, strong Fetters they must fetch,
To make him sure. But no such strength would stretch,
To his constrain'd Powrs. Farr flew all their Bands
From any least force, done his feet, or hands.
But he sate casting smiles, from his black eyes
At all their worst. At which Discoueries
Made by the Master: he did thus dehort
All his Associats; Wretches? Of what sort,
Hold ye the Person, ye assaie to binde?
Nay, which of all, the Powre fully-diuin'de
Esteeme ye him? whose worth yeelds so much weight,
That, not our well-built Barck, will beare his freight.
Or Ioue himselfe he is; Or he that beares
The siluer Bowe; Or Neptune. Nor appeares
In him the least resemblance of a Man;
But of a straine; at least Olympian.
Come! Make we quick dismission of his state;
And on the black-soild earth, exonerate
Our sinking vessell, of his Deified Lode:
Nor dare the touch, of an intangible God.
Lest windes outragious, and of wrackfull scath;
