Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/343

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turning to sleep ; for the diet was little. Man let gazelle go ; it ran away, man crying, "0, my mother!" (African exclamation when surprised or startled). Neighbours taunted him ; man went to dnstheap, got grains mtama ; sunset gazelle returned ; next day and the next same thing hap- pened, gazelle on returning describing beauties of country. — (9) After five days' feeding it rested under great tree, woke up, and found bitter grass; scratched with its foot, saw a large diamond. Thought people would not believe his master if he said " I picked it up," or " I was given it," so ran to look for people of power to use it. Went through forest with diamond in mouth ; found no town until third morning, when it reached sultan's house, people staring to see gazelle run with something wrapped in leaves between teeth. — (10) Sultan sitting before door; gazelle cried "Hodi!" and laid diamond at sultan's feet. Sultan ordered cushion and food for it. — (11) Sultan asked news. Gazelle said he was come to ask kinship and family alliance with him, and he gave him diamond as pledge from his master Sultan Darai, who wished to marry sultan's daughter ; sultan con- sented, and gazelle set out for his master, who meanwhile was mourning for it. Gazelle returned to master, went with him through forest till fifth day, when it told him to stay near stream and beat him soundly ; then it went to sultan's house. Soldiers said that Sultan Darai was coming as they saw gazelle. Sultan set out with people ; was met half-way by gazelle, who told him that Sultan Darai had been met by robbers in the forest, who had robbed Sultan Darai of his clothes. The sultan hastened home, ordered groom to saddle horse, called woman slave to bring clothes, and he got sword, dagger, sandals, and walking stick, with all which gazelle re- turned to master, the people wondering at gazelle's power of speech. — (11) Gazelle ordered its master to bathe, rub his teeth with sand, and dress himself in clothes it had brought, gazelle telling his master he was only to salute and ask news, it would do all talking, and it had asked a wife for him, and given all gifts for her and her parents, Man mounted horse gazelle had brought, gazelle running by side. When they saw sultan's house, gazelle told master to say his name was Sultan Darai. Then he and the sultan entered and talked. — (13) Next day the mualim married Sultan Darai to the sultan's daughter. The next day gazelle told its master it was going on journey; and if not back at end of seven days, he was not to go out. Gazelle took leave of sultan, telling him Sultan Darai had sent him to get house in order. — (14) Gazelle went till it came to large town, where was house built of sapphire, turquoise, and marble. After thinking, gazelle said, " This is the house for my master ; I will see if there are people in it. I have seen no one in town yet. If I die I die : if I live I live." It knocked at door with fist crying " Hodi," till an old woman opened it. Gazelle asked who was owner of house. Old woman foretold evil fate to gazelle, and said house was full of wealth, prisoners, food, and horses, and the owner of whole town was a great seven-headed snake. Old woman was afraid when gazelle asked for plan to kill snake, at whose coming the