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master of the body. My illness is to set an ex-ample of absolute mastery of the Spirit over matter in this age of materialism and scepti-cism. My Divine Mother has brought this ill-ness upon this body to convince the sceptics of the present age that Atman is Divine, that God-consciousness is as true and practical to- day as it was in the Vedic period, that when one reaches perfection, freedom from all bondage is attained. My Divine Mother has shown through Her child what is meant by the various kinds of Yoga and how people of this age can attain to it. She has also shown that all Scriptures are true, that all religions are like paths which lead to the same common goal of the one Infinite Divinity. All of my religious practices, Yoga practices, devotional exercises have been for the good of others and not for my own good. My Mother has set through this form a living example in this age.

"Whosoever will practise one-sixteenth part of what I have said and done will surely attain to God-consciousness in this life."