Page:The Great problems of British statesmanship.djvu/465

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Analytical Index United States — Reunion with Great Britain , . . .13, Railway mileage in British Empire and, compared Savings Banks Deposits in Great Britain and, com- pared ........ Situation in, before Civil War. . . . . Supported by England against Holy Alliance . „ „ „ Napoleon III . „ „ during war with Spain Telephones in United Ivingdom and, compared Total horse-powers in United Kingdom and, com- pared ........ Wages in Great Britain and, compared . Water- powers in . Wealth of, and of British Empire, compared 258 ff, 287 ff, were unified by war with England why envied by other nations . . . . 445 PAGE 398 fiE , 260 251 350 ff 403 ff 410 ff 412 f 260 f 259 243 f 259 290 ff 412 418 ff Vandal, Albert, quoted . . . . . Venezuela trouble ...... Venice, Causes of decline of . . - . Venice, Constitution of, resembled that of England Verona, Congress and Treaty of . Vienna, Congress. ...... . 35 . 413 .303 ff 303 ff, 336 f . 403 f 9 f, 36 f, 72 f, 106 ff ff. 51 ff 216 10 ff, 249 ff, 287 ff^ W Wages in Great Britain and United States compared War, Beneficial effect of, upon industry . 23 „ Cost of the Great „ ,, „ against Napoleon I „ Debt, How to deal with the „ unifies nations .... Washington, George, on preparedness for „ „ Political Testament of ... Wealth, National, of United States and British Empire compared Willcox, Sir W., on irrigation of Mesopotamia WilHam II has violated the German Constitution . „ vowed to observe tho Constitution „ was possibly forced by army into War in 1914 Workers, British, Production of, has doubled during War . 243 f , 280 ff ff, 257 .218 ff , 291 ff . 402 . 390 .428'ff .258 ff . 98 ff 204 ff .204 ff . 213 f .282 ff AT Tlir nATLANTYVE PRFSS PRTNTED BY SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE AND CO. LTO. COI.CHrSTHR, LONDON AND ETON. ENGLAKD