Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 05.pdf/232

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Editorial Department.

B. Fuller; The Rousing of Mrs. Potter (illustrated), Gertrude Smith; The Present State of Old Testa ment Criticism, Edward Lewis Curtis; Chicago, Marion Couthouy Smith; Meridian, Charles T. Dazey; Camille Saint-Saëns (portrait), Henry E. Krehbiel; Have ye niver heerd tell o' Rose Creagan? (illustrated), Jennie E. T. Dowe; Sweet Bells out of Tune, V. (illustrated), Mrs. Burton Harrison; Artist Life by the North Sea (illustrated), H. W. Ranger; One Touch of Nature, Edgar Fawcett; At the Keith Ranch (illustrated), Anna Fuller; Benefits Forgot, IV., Wolcott Balestier; The Cosmopolis City Club, III. What the Club Ac complishecl, Washington Gladden; How can we secure Better United States Senators?; Direct Presidential Voting; A General Free Library Movement. The Cosmopolitan Berlin (illustrated), Friedrich Spielhagen; The Abysmal Depths of the Sea (illustrated), J. Carter Beard; I n our Cotton Belt (illustrated), H. S. Flem ing: A Royal Ruin (illustrated), Grace Ingersoll Bigelow; The great Trans-Siberian Railway (illus trated), Valerian Gribayédoff; Conquered (illustrated), Julien Gordon; Women Experts ¡n Photography (illustrated), Clarence B. Moore; An Italian Campo Santo (illustrated), Murat Halstead; The British Navy (illustrated), S. Eardley-Wilmot; A Traveller from Altruria, W. D. Howells.

Harper's Our own Riviera (illustrated), Julian Ralph; The Face on the Wall, Margaret Deland; The Escurial (illustrated), Theodore Child; The Refugees, III. (illustrated), A. Conan Doyle; Washington Society, I. (illustrated), Henry Loomis Nelson; Slavery and the Slave-trade in Africa (illustrated), Henry M. Stanley; Horace Chase, III., Constance Fenimore Woolson. Lippincott's Waring's Peril, Capt. Charles King, U.S.A.; The Newspaper Woman's Story, Journalist Series (illus trated), Elizabeth G. Jordan; Hope Deferred (illus trated), Lillian A. North; Some Queer Trades, Charles Robinson; Marie Burroughs (portrait), Robert Edgarton; A Rose of the Mire (illustrated), Kate Jordan; The Selfishness of " Mourning," C. H. Crandall; Our Side of the Question. Louise Stockton; Men of the Day, M. Crofton. New England Magazine. With Dean Stanley and Phillips Brooks at Ply mouth, George E. Ellis; The University of Wisconsin (illustrated), David B. Frankenburger; The Study of Local History, Winfield S. Nevins; The Massa


chusetts Prison System, Rev. Sam'l J. Burrows; Negro Slavery in Old Deerfield, George Sheldon; Ye Romance of Casco Bay, V. (illustrated), Herbert M. Sylvester; The Republic of Chili, Lieut. Chas. H. Harlow; Proportional Representation, Stoughton Cooley. Review of Reviews. American Politics : A Study of Four Careers, Harry Pratt Judson, Phillips Brooks, by Archdeacon Farrar and Charles F. Thwing; America in Hawaii, Sereno Bishop; England in Egypt. Scribner's. Audubon's Story of his Youth (illustrated). Maria R. and J. J. Audubon; The Jaffa and Jerusalem Railway (illustrated), Selah Merrill; The One I Knew the Best of All, VIII.-X., Frances Hodgson Burnett; A Saharan Caravan (illustrated), A. F. Jaccaci; The Man in Red, T. R. Sullivan; The Work of the Andover House m Boston (illustrated), William Jewett Tucker; The Tale of a Goblin Horse, Charles C. Nott; Ezra Hardman, M.A., Schuyler Shelton. LEADING ARTICLES IN THE LAW JOURNALS.

Central Law Journal (March 17, 1893) Injuries from Polluted Water : Landlord and Ten ant, C. A. Bucknam (March 24.) The Amendment of the Records of Certain Classes of Public Bodies, Thomas A. Policy s. (March 31.) State's Ability to Copyright Judicial Opinions, James M. Kerr. Columbia Law Times (Feb., '93). The Medical Expert as a Witness, Frank S. Rice; British Electric Lighting Legislation, Victor Rosewater. (March, '93.) Intention in the Law : A Study in Legal Evolution, Prof. Munroe Smith. The Counsellor (Feb, '93) The Extradition and Rendition of Fugitive Crimi nals in the American Colonies, I., John D. Lindsay. Criminal Law Magazine (March, '93). Treason against the State, W. Leaman; The Ex ercise of Police Power, D. H. Pingrey. Harvard Law Review (March, '93). Contracts in Early English Law, Sir Frederick Pollock; Federal Protection against State Power, Emlin McClain; Land Transfer : A Different Point of View, F. V. Balch; The " Parol Evidence " Rule, II., James B. Thayer. Yale Law Journal (March, '93). Legal Practice in South America, William Trumbull; Insurance Law as a Specialty, J. K. Hayward.