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Legal Education in Modern Japan.


ally been received in the English Language and Story, Elclon and Kent. I do not think School associated with the Law School. For that I am mistaken in crediting the energy the work of this section a number of text and zeal of Mr. Masujima with the greater books were cheaply reprinted, and sold at a part of the results accomplished by this price within the means of the students. These school. For the past six years the English included Pollock's "Contracts," "Torts," and Law School has been the backbone of the "Partnership," Story's " Agency," Kent's popularity of English law in Japan, and Mr. "Corporations," Powell's " Evidence," New- Masujima has been the backbone of the son's " Shipping," Chalmers' " Bills and school. But the promulgation of the Codes Notes," and a few

has made 'a great others. The plan was change. It has forced also put in practice the management to of printing certain of devote the greater part the lectures in sheet of' the course to the form, and issuing new Codes, and Eng lish law has become them to persons at a distance for private subsidiary. For vari study. In 1887 there ous reasons, indirectly were 1,200 of these connected with this subscribers. The change, Mr. Masujima Meiji Law School af has retired from the terwards imitated this presidency. M any popular measure. instructors have For six years Mr. changed. The school Masujima was the is no longer the centre president of the of attraction for the School. He gave his friends of English ju personal supervision risprudence. Its pres (which the nominal tige continues among chiefs do not always the student commu do), and also lectured nity, and the attend wi Court Practice. ance has not dimin KIKUCHI TAK.EO. The annual banquet of ished. But the hopes ( President of the I. r.v Institute.) the teachers and pat of the English section rons of this school was of the bar have been always the occasion for an exchange of greet crushed. Their interest in the institution is ings between the British and American mem waning. It was impossible, in the nature of bers of the profession who happened to be things, for their intimate connection with it ln Japan. Minister Hubbard, Consul Great- to continue. They have helped to make it house (both of them famous story-tellers), what it is, but it must henceforth lose its Chief-Justice Hannen (a brother of the Lord distinctive character. The practical methods Justice), Francis Piggott (he of " Piggott of its founders have left an indelible impres 011 Torts"), — these and many others have sion; but it is now merely the largest law contributed both wit and wisdom at these school in Japan. esoteric gatherings, tasting the fraternal Some idea of the change may be ob pleasures at once so rare and so attractive tained from a comparison of the courses in this distant land to the brethren of the as they stood in 1889 and as they stand "green bag," the joint inheritors of Coke now.