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The Court of Appeals of Maryland.


cause shown, that the said canal cannot be under the decree to file in the courts reports operated so as to produce revenue with of their receipts and disbursements and a which to pay the bonded indebtedness of statement of the condition of the work at the said canal company, etc., the decree for stated times. It appears that this had not the sale shall be enforced. • been done and the financial prospects of the The capital stock of the Chesapeake and work are not known to the public. It has Ohio Canal Company is $3,851,593.67. been stated that the present physical con Of this the United States owns $1,000,000 dition of the work is better than it has been and the State of Maryland the greater part of at any time since its construction. It is under the decree in

the remainder. In this case that the addition to this the trustees of the bond State holds two mort holders of 1844 are gages, one for $4,now operating the 375,000 and another canal. for $2,000,000. These sums were in On the. 1 2th of sufficient to complete April, 1893, Presi the canal to Cum dent Cleveland tele berland, and the in graphed to Judge complete canal was Alvey, telling him he comparatively value wished to see him, less and without earn and asking whether ing capacity. That it would be conven was in 1844, and the ient for him to come Legislature that year to the White House. passed a law author The next day the izing the canal com Judge went to Wash pany to borrow ington, and was most cordially received by $1,700,000 to com plete the canal and the President, who at waiving the State's once offered him the lien upon its revenues JOHN M. ROBINSON. place of Chief Justice in favor of that loan. of the new Court of In 1848 the mort Appeals of the Dis gage was executed under the terms of this trict of Columbia, and urged him in the act, and bonds to the amount of $1,699,- most complimentary terms to accept the 600 were issued under it. These are the position. Judge Alvey replied that if his celebrated bonds of '44, whose trustees are. appointment would be satisfactory to the now operating the canal under the decree Washington Bar, he would accept the posi of Judge Alvey, of October, 1890. Under tion. President Cleveland said he was per the terms of that decree the trustees have fectly well assured that his appointment until May 1, 1895, to show whether or not would be entirely satisfactory in Washington, the canal can earn a sufficient revenue to and added that, being familiar with Mary justify its continuance as a waterway. The land law, which is the fundamental law of decree for the sale has been signed and the District of Columbia, and having had a operation is suspended until the time named. long experience on the Bench, he wished his The trustees of the bondholders are required aid in organizing the new court. Judge