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The Green Bag.

but he failed. Only Burke and Pitt had been it is easy to believe that he has inherited the too proudly honest to take this increment sturdy characteristics of his great ancestor, of the funds when they might have done so. the martyr of Smithfield. In Wisconsin there were no Pitts or Burkes to deny themselves from twenty to thirty ROUGET DE LISLE MARSHALL was born thousand dollars a year thus realized; and in the city of Nashua, New Hampshire, De the system went on unchecked. But in 1890, cember 27, 1847. He is a descendant of the Democrats, eager for political capital, at Thomas Marshall, who settled in Boston in tacked the practice, and, having carried the 1633, and kept a ferry " from the mill point State, suits were brought against the ex- unto Charlestown and Winnissimmet." The treasurers, and several hundred thousand dol great-grandfather of Judge Marshall resided lars of interest thus accrued were recovered. at Chelmsford, Massachusetts, and was called Judge Newman decided at the circuit that out as one of the minute men in the " Lex the interest belonged to the State. The blow ington alarm." He served in the Conti fell with crushing force on some of the most nental army at Bunker Hill, Bennington, prominent men in Wisconsin in business and and in other engagements. The father of politics, as they were principals or sureties on the Judge was Thomas Marshall, formerly a the bonds of the treasurers, and were ad manufacturer of cotton goods at Nashua. His mother, Emeline Pitkin Marshall, was judged to be liable. These cases were ex amples, alas! too frequent, that, in business the granddaughter of Captain Martin Pitkin, and politics, men can easily become accus one of the early settlers of Marshfield, Ver tomed to wrong ways of doing things. The mont, and a descendant of William Pitkin, cases were appealed to the Supreme Court, the first attorney general of Connecticut, in and Judge Newman's judgmentswere affirmed. 1659, who is the ancestor of a family famous The cases were involved to some extent in New England, and now throughout the in political contention; and as Chief-Justice Union, in every honorable walk of life. Lyon was resolved to leave the bench at the Thomas Marshall, the father, compelled close of his term, there was an extensively to change his business because of ill health, signed call that Judge Newman be a candi removed with his family to Delton, Sauk date. Another circuit judge of Republican County, Wisconsin, in 1854, and settled on antecedents was supported for the same a farm. Here the son resided until 1871, office, but Judge Newman received a large working on the farm, attending common plurality, nearly fifty thousand. He entered school and the academy at that place, and upon his duties on the upper bench, Janu then two years at the Baraboo Collegiate ary I, 1894; and his service meets the full Institute, and one year at Lawrence Uni approval of the bar of the State. His opin versity, Appleton, Wisconsin. Having a ions are found in the volumes of the Supreme predilection for the legal profession, he be Court reports beginning with the eighty-fifth gan the study of law in 1868, was admitted number. His style is terse and his opinions to the bar in Baraboo, Sauk County, in Jan are brief. Having acquired at the circuit uary, 1873, and commenced practice at the faculty of concise decisions, he does not Chippewa Falls, a prominent point and indulge in lengthy disquisitions, but drives to county seat in the splendid lumber region the point to be decided and disposes of it in of the Chippewa valley. He devoted him few and well-chosen words, briefly stating self to practice exclusively, and was re his reason. His mind is eminently of the markably successful. Untiring energy and judicial cast. In his patient devotion to duty great capacity for and thoroughness in work and his calm resolution in its performance, gave him prominence, a large clientage in a