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The Green Bag.

lasted two hours and was an able effort. He are James Madison, Felix Grundy and the was the father-in-law of the late Senator devil." He went to Tennessee to live, and Yulee of Florida. His son, J. Cripps Wick- ranked among the foremost men of the liffe, has been United States district attorney, country. and held other offices of honor. John Pope was an eminent lawyer, a Another leader at the early Bardstown member of Congress, and territorial governor bar was Ben Chapeze. He was a farmer, of Arkansas. He was one-armed, and when but, it is said, his wife, a very clever and he ran against Henry Clay for Congress, an ambitious woman, persuaded him to study Irish voter said, " Faith, an' sure I mane to law. He was known vote for the man who as " the honest law can't put more nor yer." It is related of one hand into the him that before he treasury." studied law he was LEBANON. sued by a neighbor. ClementS. Hill had In the magistrate's few superiors at the court he argued his Kentucky bar. He own case from a Bible was once opposed to which he held in his Ben Hardin, and after hand, and the facts in he had made a very the case, and won the fine speech Mr. Har suit. din said : " Clem, I It is said Judge knew you could do it, Samuel Carpenter but I did not think "made the lawyers you had the audacity who appeared before to treat me so." His him keep at a double son-in-law, H. W. quick, for he disposed Rives, is a prominent of business so rapid member of the Leb ly and held court anon bar. Former early and late." The Baptist church build BEN HARDIN. A 11 o r пеу-G e n e r a l ing in his town was Garland said : " Hill sold for debt, and he made, as prosecutor bought it and resold it to them for almost in a murder trial, one of the finest speeches nothing, and it is said " This generous act to which I ever listened." went far towards making the Baptists forgive Ben Spalding, a member of the noted him for leaving them and joining the Camp- Spalding family which has given so many distinguished priests to the Roman Catholic bellite or Christian Church." Some of Kentucky's greatest lawyers Church, is commonwealth's attorney, and lived and practiced law in Springfield. The one of the finest lawyers in all central brilliant Felix Grundy was chief justice of Kentucky. Kentucky before he was thirty. He had the FRANKFORT. circuit courts established. He is the man to whom the Federal writers referred when Frankfort being the capital, it is natural they said: "The most powerful triumvirate that a sketch of its bar should contain the now influencing the destinies of this country names of some of Kentucky's greatest men.