Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 09.pdf/596

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Communications in regard to the contents of the Magazine should be addressed to the Editor, HORACE W. FULLER, ¡$}4 Beacon Street. Boston, Mass. The Editor will be glad to receive contributions of articles of moderate length upon subjects of inter est to the profession; also anything in the -way of legal antiquities or curiosities, facetia, anec dotes, etc.

that the jury must determine that point for them selves, when the foreman replied, " Vy, Shudge, Shake, he alvays do dat!"


NOTES. MASSES said for a dead man's soul are charity, and therefore no legacy duty need be paid on money left for that purpose, according to a recent decision of the Irish court of appeal.

LORD ELDON lent two large volumes of prece dents to a friend, and could not recollect to whom. In allusion to such borrowers, he observed that, " though backward in accounting, they seemed to be practiced in book-keeping."

THE man stammered painfully. His name was Sissons. Especially difficult to him was the pro nunciation of his own name. He had the mis fortune to stay out late and uproariously one night (according to the " Illustrated American"), and to account for it before the magistrate at the po lice court next morning. " hat is your name?" asked the court. Sissons began his reply: "Sss— ss—ssss—ss—siss— "Stop that noise and tell me what is your name," said the judge, impa tiently. "Siss—sss—sss— sissss ""That will <lo," said his honor, severely; " officer, what is this man charged with?" " I think, your honor, he's charged wid sody-water." was the judge of an eastern JUDGE JACOB Pennsylvania county. He was great on strong charges to the jury, constituting himself the thir teenth man on most of them. Once, during an absence, a judge from another county held court for him and was considerably surprised at the hesitation in the jury about leaving the box, fol lowed by a very long stay out, but some time after court had adjourned, he was told that the jury wanted him. By this time, the courtroom was cleared, and the judge received the jury there, when the foreman, an old " Pennsylvania Dutchman," astonished him by the question, "Veil, Shudge, how is we to decide dis case?" After the judge got his breath, he replied that of course he had nothing to do with that question,

IN a recently published invention for construct ing prison doors and window gratings, there is suggested a protection from the safe-burglar. The idea is to make the bars of ordinary steel pipes, all filled with a liquid under pressure and connect ed by a main pipe with an alarm which would operate by reduction of pressure. Attempted sawing lets the liquid escape and rings the bell. THE police of San Francisco have recently been enforcing the law prohibiting work on Sunday, especially against Chinese laundrymen. One Sun day, as a large load of these offenders was being carted to jail in the police ambulance, a resident of the Western Addition asked the reason, and was informed by a policeman. "Yep," grunted a disgusted Chinese, who stood near, " man workee Sunday, he go jail —-'gainst law workee Sunday. Man no workee, he go jail — vag. Amelica heap hell of countlv." THE London papers have managed to preserve perfect seriousness in their treatment of the suit for libel and trespass recently brought by the owner of Nelson's old ship, the "Foudroyant", against the patent-medicine manufacturer who caused to be painted on the side of the vessel, in huge letters, the statement that " England ex pects every man to do his duty and take • 's pills." When the ship was driven ashore at Black pool, a man whose trade it is to laud this particu lar remedy considered that he had before him 553