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Editorial Department.

but also gives charming personal glimpses of the lives of the writers. Prophets of The Nineteenth Century? the title under which these essays are pub lished, is a book well worth the reading and one which will stimulate an interest in this field of liter ature. The reader fond of adventure and highly dramatic situation will find A Dream of a Throne? a story which will command his interest from beginning to end. The scene is laid in Mexico, and the plot deals with a popular Mexican uprising in 1845. Vicente, the hero, and the leader of the revolt, is the son of the last daughter of the ancient royal house which, in the province whose capital is Guadalajara, corre sponds to the house of Montezuma in the Aztec cap ital. Opposed to him is Rodrigo, an American in the service of the Mexican government. The writer has a thorough knowledge of Mexican life, and his descriptions of both people and scenery are vividly drawn. We commend the book as an excellent companion for a leisure hour.


THE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF л BUSINESS CORPORATION. By THOMAS CONYNGTOX of the Yew York Bar. The Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Co., Rochester, N. Y., 1900. Cloth. $1.50.


poration laws, and will save time, money and trouble to all who have anything to do with corporations.

A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF EXECUTIONS IN CIVIL CASES and of proceedings in aid and restraint thereof. By ABRAHAM CLARK FREE MAN. Third edition. Bancroft-Whitney Co., San Francisco, 1900. Three vols. Law sheep. $18.00. "Good wine needs no bush. and it seems almost an act of supererogation to add words of praise and commendation for this treatise by Mr. Freeman. For twenty-four years it has been regarded as the work upon this subject and each successive edition has added to its value and completeness. In its present form, with an enlargement of the text more than one half, it covers all the decisions of importance down to date, and is the most thorough and exhaustive presentation of the law extant. The profession owes much to Mr. Freeman and he is continually increas ing its indebtedness by his labors in their behalf.

A TREATISE ON THE AMERICAN LAW OF RE PLEVIN, and kindred actions for getting pos session of chattels. By ROSWELL SHINN, LL. D. T. H. Flood & Co., Chicago, 1899. Law sheep. $6.00, net.

No recent publication is more deserving of hearty welcome from the legal profession than this treatise The work is prepared with special reference to the of Mr. Shinn's. The work exhibits a most thorough laws of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and West research and discriminating judgment on the au Virginia and shows the comparative advantages of thor's part, and should, and undoubtedly will, be ac cepted as a standard authority upon the subject of the laws of these States. It is a work for lawyers, business men, stockhold which it treats. It is a complete presentation of the ers, directors and officers of companies. It shows general principles of the common law of replevin what businesses, and under what circumstances it is as modified by the state statutes and the construc advisable to incorporate, and compares the advan tion and application of the same by courts of re tages of corporate management with the disadvan view. To make the finding of the individual state law tages of partnerships, telling also how to guard against the dangers of corporate management. It more expeditious the notes are arranged alphabeti gives the requisites of the charter, complete by-laws, cally according to the names of the states, where no and all the details of organization and management particular reference to oilier matter makes the same of corporations under the laws of the four States inadvisable. The general index makes special refer where most corporations are organized at the present ence, under the state name, to the subject-matter per time. It is a compact, concise and accurate hand taining to that special state when the same differs book of information, giving in plain, unteclmical from the general rules. In addition to this feature, language, a summary of the leading features of cor- the table of contents refers to the subjects of chap ters, and at the heads of the chapters themselves are 1 PROPHETS or THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. By May Alden Ward. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, i goo- placed tables of the sections contained therein. This makes the finding of any branch of the subject, to Cloth. 75 cents. 1 A DREAM OF A THRONE. The story of a Mexican gether with its kindred and relevant subject, easy, revolt. By Charles Fleming Embree. Little, Brown & quick and sure. Furthermore, much care has been Co., Boston, 1900. Cloth. $1.50. exercised in making the sections themselves treat