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The Green Bag.


A BRIEF FOR THE TRIAL OF CIVIL ISSUES BE FORE A JURY. By AUSTIN ABBOTT. The Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing Co., Roch ester, N. Y., 1900. Second and enlarged edition. Law sheep. $4.50. Abbott's civil trial brief has for many years been the favorite handbook of trial practice of practising lawyers throughout the United States. While first written with special reference to the New York prac tice, it was useful in every State. The scope of this edition, however, has been enlarged to include every State in the Union, making it equally valuable in any jurisdiction, from Maine to California. The en larged scope of this new edition may be under stood when it is known for instance that 23 of the 39 sections in the first division of the work rep resent each an additional point of practice. Five entirely new divisions have been added on (i) Enu meration ofofWitnesses roboration Witnesses;


(3) Impeachment Absence of Judge, and Corand Proceedings outside of Court room; (4) Improper Conduct of Judge : (5) The Verdict and its Incidents.

ELEMENTS OF AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE. By WILLIAM C. ROBINSON, LL. D. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1900. Buckram. $3.00, net. This is in every way an admirable book for law students, for whom it is especially designed. Mr. Robinson has the faculty of condensing into a few terse sentences a clear and accurate statement of the point to be presented, so that the student, using this volume and reading in connection therewith the sug gested text of other authors and citations of cases, cannot but find it an especial aid in attaining a full understanding of elementary jurisprudence.

THE LAW OF OPERATIONS PRELIMINARY то CON STRUCTION IN ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECT URE. By JOHN CASSAN WAIT, M. C. E., LL. B. John $5.00.Wiley & Sons, New York, 1900. Cloth, This book is a companion volume to the author's

earlier work on Engineering and Architectural Juris prudence, or the Law of Construction. It has been published to meet a demand on the part of the pro gressive members of the engineering and architect ural professions, including those engaged as contract ors and builders, who have wished to know the property rights incident to and attending the opera tions which they have in hand. These men have for a long time wanted a work to which they could refer for information on the subjects of riparian rights, when pitted against those of their patrons and clients who detain, divert, appropriate, or pollute bodies and streams of water; or the rights of land owners when they seek to utilize nature's stores of water, oil, gas, coal and other minerals and sources of power. They have often wanted a hand-book to assist in the interpretation, construction and applica tion of descriptions, to the boundaries and limits of estates, and to explain how new made or reclaimed land shall be subdivided among coterminous owners. Throughout the book the principles and application of the law are illustrated by examples which have occurred in operations of contract work and which may arise any day in the experience of every en gineer, architect, contractor, builder or owner who is engaged in promoting and carrying out new projects. These instances are in themselves interesting read ing, and they become doubly so when a lesson is drawn from them.

OUTLINE STUDY OF LAW. By ISAAC FRANK LIN RUSSELL, D. C. L., LL. D. Third edi tion, ßaker, Voorhis & Co, New York, 1900. $2.50. One desiring to obtain an understanding of the general principles of law will find this book most ad mirably adapted to his needs. Since the first edi tion, which we noticed at some length in THE GREEN BAG, was published. Professor Russell has thoroughly revised and made additions to the text. The vol ume is one which ought to be in the hands of every law student, and might be used with profit as a text book in our high schools and colleges.