Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 18.pdf/571

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THE GREEN BAG all night, but he wouldn't vote, and we finally was out on bail was reported to be enjoying gave up in disgust." himself over in Georgia. Deputy Jim went after him. The next day "For heaven's sake," exclaimed Judge Moore, " don't you remember that we agreed he telegraphed the judge: to try that case with eleven jurors, as one "I have persuaded him to come." A few days later he rode into town on a mule, member of the panel was taken sick just before leading his prisoner tied up snugly, with a court came in?" "Well, I'll be darned," shouted the juror; clothesline. The prisoner looked as if he had "that accounts for the whole business." — seen hard service. "Why, Jim! " exclaimed the judge. " You Boston Herald. didn't make him walk all the way from Georgia, A " Persuaded " Prisoner. — The resource did you?" ful man is the one who succeeds. There is a "No, sir," replied Jim. deputy marshal in Alabama who does not let "I thought not," said the judge. any such trifles as extradition laws stop him. "No," responded Jim. " Part of the way A writer in the Washington Post tells a story of I drug him, and when we come to the Tallaone of his achievements. When the term of poosa River he swum." — Youth's Compan court was about to begin one time a man who ion.