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EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT all parts of any one of the subjects presented in these volumes, the treatment here given is in complete. For example, in the volume on Pleading much is said about writs and declara tions, but nothing about pleas and replications; and one is at a loss to perceive any reason, theoretical or practical, for the inadequate treatment, save that the scholarly writers upon whom these volumes are based happen not to have covered as yet the subject of defenses. The author, it would seem, ought to have men tioned the omission; but he has done well not to attempt to supply it with the fruits of his own researches. When he has departed from his predecessors, or has attempted to supple ment them, he has failed to win confidence. For an example of this disappointing short coming, it is enough to cite the chapter entitled "Scope of the Bilateral Contract." Nor do the author's foot-notes make any material addi tion to the machinery available for readers of scholarly tastes; for the references are almost exclusively those gathered by the original in vestigators from whom these volumes have drawn so freely and so frankly. E. W.


HISTORY. " Russell Sage's Career as a Litigant," by John Caldwell Myers, Bench and Bar (V. vi, p. 83). HISTORY (see Constitutional Law). INSURANCE. " The Armstrong Amend ments," by H. Gerald Chapin, American Law yer (V. xiv, p. 389). INTERNATIONAL LAW. " International Interference on the Ground of Humanity," by Samuel Herrick, The Brief (V. vi, p. 195). JURISDICTION. " On the Conflict of Juris diction between Civil and Revenue Courts," by Abul Karim Khan, Allahabad Law Journal (V. iii, p. 249). JURISPRUDENCE. " The Quest for Error and the Doing of Justice," by Hon. Chas. F. Amidon, Canada Law Review (V. v, p. 364). JURISPRUDENCE. " The Interpretation of Negative Precepts in Hindu Law," by Dr. Priya Nath Sen, Calcutta Law Journal (V. iv,

. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY (Constitutional p. 21 «.). Law). In the Central Laiv Journal (Vol. Ixiii, JURISPRUDENCE (see Elementary Law). p. 278) Gerrard B. Winston and Blackburn Esterline argue that " The Act of Congress MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. " The Mu Known as the Employer's Liability Act Affect nicipal Codes of the Middle Western States," by ing Common Carriers is Unconstitutional and J. A. Fairlie, Political Science Quarterlv(V. xxi, Void." They confine themselves to one rea son, namely, that the act as drawn is so broad P- 434). as to make all employees and all operations of PATENTS. " Patent and Copyright Law common carriers, whether or not in the partic Considered with Reference to the Contract of ular instance engaged in interstate commerce, Employment," by C. B. Labatt, Canada Law subject to the operation of the act if the carrier Journal (V. xlii, p. 529). is at any time or in any part of its business en gaged in interstate commerce. Other regula PRACTICE. " The. Law Providing for a tions of interstate carriers are said to have Municipal Court in Chicago," by Hon. Robert been more carefully restricted to operations McCurdy, Albany Law Journal (V. Ixviii, which were themselves interstate commerce. p. 246).

EVIDENCE (see Witnesses). HISTORY. " State Rights and Political Parties in North Carolina," by Henry McGilbert Wagstaff, The Johns Hopkins Press, Balti more, Md., 1906.

PRACTICE. "The Collection of a Judg ment," by James" C. McMath, Illinois Law Re view (V. i, p. 157). PRACTICE. " The Supreme Court and its Method of Work," by Orrin N. Carter, Illinois Law Review (V. i, p. 151).