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The Green Bag VOL. XX.

No. 10



FREDERICK W. LEHMANN BY JACOB KLEIN THE new president of the American Bar which he has achieved a standing in the first Association, Mr. Frederick W. Leh- rank of a very able Bar, but also as a public mann, was born in Germany February 28, spirited citizen of high ideals and honest and 1853, but came to this country in early pure purposes. He was a Director of and chiidhood. He first lived in Cincinnati, one of the leading spirits who made the great where he attended the common schools. He Louisiana Purchase Exposition possible, later removed to Indiana and finally com and -as Chairman of the Committee of the pleted his education at Taber College in Board on Ethnology and on International southwestern Iowa, from which he graduated Congresses of Arts and Sciences, including in 1873. During his college course he had the Universal Congress of Lawyers and studied law in the office of J. L. Mitchell in Jurists, held in September, 1904, under the Forrest County, Iowa, where he first prac joint auspices of the Exposition and of the ticed. His early practice also included American Bar Association, he not only Nebraska City, just across the river in rendered signal service, but attained note Nebraska. In 1876 he moved to Des Moines, worthy success. Since then he has been chosen and acted as where in December, 1879, he married Miss Nora Stark. The following year he went President of the Board of Trustees of the Pub to St. Louis, Missouri, to become General lic Library of St. Louis, and assisted in pro Attorney of the Wabash Railroad. He curing the Carnegie gift for the construction continued in this position till June, 1895, and maintenance of the new Central Public when the firm of Boyle, Priest and Lehmann Library and branch libraries in St. Louis. was formed, in which his seniors were Wilbur Under his immediate supervision three of F. Boyle, who formerly had been Circuit the branch libraries have been located and Judge in the city of St. Louis, and Henry S erected, and the fourth, as well as the Priest, who had been Judge of the United imposing Central library, occupying the States District Court. This firm continued equivalent of four ordinary city blocks, is till 1905, when Mr. Lehmann retired to form now in course of construction. Mr. Lehmann is a man of culture and with his son Sears the firm of Lehmann & Lehmann, of which another son, Frederick wide reading, possessing in a high degree the W. Lehmann is now a member. Mr. Leh gifts of oratory, and his addresses are mann in 1907 received from Missouri State scholarly, thoughtful and embellished by University the degree of LL. D. He has his intimate knowledge of literature. Broad been president of the St. Louis Bar Associa and sympathetic, he is, like Abou Ben tion, and during the last year was president Ahdem, a lover of his fellowmen. Honest of the General Council of the American Bar in his mental operations, pure in mind and in heart, he is regarded by his fellow citizens Association. During the eighteen years that Mr. Leh and especially by his professional brethren, mann has lived in St. Louis he has become as a fine type and example of a self-made distinguished not only in his profession, in man.