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The Green Bag


O'Brien, Frank N.—At Brooklyn, Apr. 28. Descendent of a family of lawyers, and well known in Brooklyn. Owens,


Beatty.—-At Greensburg,

Apr. 15, aged 48. served as


Practised at Greensburg;

roner, 1897-1900.

Page, Samuel B.—At Woodsville, N. H.,

Apr. v6, aged 73.

Dean of Grafton county

bar; promment in politics; formerly counsel for Boston 8: Maine Railroad. Pennington, Samuel H .—At Newark, N. 1.,

Apr. 17, aged 68. General Belknap, Secre tary of War under Grant, said of him- "Pen nington served in my brigade durin the Eivxl War, and he was the bravest man ever new." Randall, Samuel H.-—At New York City. Apr. 25, a ed 73. Practised several years in Boston, w ere he was born; went to New York in 1866; for many years identified with Republican politics. Rose, Edward T.-—At Athens, 0., Mar. 27.

Justice of the peace in Athens for the past twenty-eight years. Speir, Archibald W.—At New York City. Mar. 30, aged 70.

Retired lawyer of social

prominence. Stewart, Major Robert E.—At Pittsburgh, Mar. 30, aged 69.

Civil War veteran; for

merly District Attorney of Allegheny county. Sullivan, William.—-At Brooklyn, Apr. 20,

aged 63. Thorndike, Charles.—At Boston, A r. 8, 9. ed 76. Old-time Boston lawyer, mem r of arvard class of '54. While, Peregrine-At Bangor, Me., Apr. 10, a ed 64. Lineal descendant of Peregrine bite, the first white child born in Massa chusetts Bay Colony. Wilson, jesse H., Sr.-—At Washington, D. C., Apr. 15, aged 55. Prominent? identi fied with the civic life of the capital; ormerly trustee of the school board.

His Clever Son By HARRY R. BLY‘I‘HE

LAWYER let his son Draw up a will he bad And when the job was done Asked, “How about it, lad?"

And straight the boy replied, “I drew it safe and tight, I hear the client died,

He passed away tonight." "You drew it safe, you ass I"

(He heard the pater sob) “Well, that's a pretty pass, Next time I’ll do the jo ."_