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The Green Bag

is necessary to produce the first require in the future. The resolution was pre ment of a safe bill of lading." He re sented by M. Louis Canon-Legrand of commended that the Congress pass Belgium, president of the Congress, resolutions favoring legislation now and was seconded by John Bingham, pending before the United States Con representing the London Chamber of gress to make carriers responsible, speci Commerce. Through a representative fying the Pomerene bill as the best meas of the State Department, the Conference ure; that the delegates express their was informed that the resolution had approval of the work of the Cotton Bills the hearty support of the United States of Lading Central Bureau of New York, Government. and that they recommend to the per On the afternoon of the closing day manent committee the question of the of the sessions, Dr. Candido de Mendes desirability of calling an international de Almeida, dean of the school of law conference upon the validation of through of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and official order-notify bills of lading and upon representative of the Brazilian govern legislation and other means of making ment at the conference, delivered a the system more effective. These lecture at the Harvard Law School on recommendations were adopted after Brazilian law. discussion. The delegates went on record in favor Procedural Reform in Missouri of two matters of world-wide importance The committee on judicial procedure the unification of consular invoices of of the Missouri Bar Association, consist all nations and the limitation of con ing of James M. Johnson, Taylor Bryan sular fees to cover the cost necessary and John D. Lawson, has recommended for consular sevices, and also lower several measures designed to expedite international postal rates and the gen procedure. One is that courts should eralization and simplification of the postal at all times be open for business, an systems of leading civilized nations. other is that all suits be made answer A discussion of the high cost of living able at a certain day, as under the Kan was opened by Prof. Irving Fisher of sas law. It is proposed that all rulings Yale University, who proposed increas of the trial court be made subject to re ing the weight of the dollar enough to view on appeal. Other changes recom restore some of its lost purchasing power. mended are : — President Taft addressed the delegates Abolishing appeals to courts higher than cir on the subject of business-like adminis cuit in cases where the total amount involved tration of the Government, the value does not exceed $500 unless the judge certifies of accurate statistics as a guide to legis that a principle of the case should go to a court lation affecting commerce, the importance of appeals. Abolishing motions in staying execution and of currency reform and international allowing motions for a new trial to stay the arbitration of all disputes not excepting proceedings. those affecting national honor and vital Permitting all causes of action between the same parties to be united, regardless of classifi interest. A resolution was unanimously adopted cation. Providing a penalty for sham and frivolous in favor of the establishment of an inter pleading. national court of arbitration for the Providing that a jury trial should be waived purpose of adjudicating all differences unless demanded in writing within ten days after between nations and preventing war the issues are joined.