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The Green Bag

"That's very indefinite," said the is properly the subject of negotiation lawyer. "What do you mean by the with a foreign country." It probably cannot be safely assumed best part of one winter?" "Well," said the witness, after due that the Supreme Court has at any time in its history maintained the doctrine deliberation and reflection, "I've been that Congress cannot in its treaties invade up there about eleven months." the reserved powers of the states, in an extreme form. The assumption cannot HAPPENINGS IN COURT be made merely on the ground that cer Amotion for a receiver of two corpora tain remarks scattered through dissent tions was being argued before one ing opinions, or made obiter in majority opinions in connection with a general of the judges in Chicago, and one of survey of a region presenting no specific the points raised was that the four men subject for elucidation, have reflected in control were operating the two com such a view. Accordingly it is doubtful peting concerns through one office and whether what Willoughby calls "the employing the same bookkeepers for obiter doctrine that the reserved rights both companies, and thus were enabled of the states may never be infringed to favor, and were favoring, one corpo ration to the injury of the other. upon by the treaty-making power" (Wil "Well, what is there wrong about the loughby on the Constitution, s. 215) was ever seriously maintained. Instead two concerns sharing the expenses of there seems to be a tendency toward the same bookkeepers?" argued the judge. "I remember that when I was clearer recognition of the principle im plicitly contained in the Constitution in business, I didn't have enough money from the first, that the reservation of to hire a bookkeeper myself, and I used certain rights to the states is qualified, to share the expense with another but not radically affected, by a grant concern." "Both competitors? In the same line which the Constitution makes to Con of business?" asked the astute lawyer. gress of a very broad but not neces "Competitors? I didn't have any sarily unlimited jurisdiction over all competitor; but it was the same line matters properly subjects for inter of business," admitted the judge. national agreement. "And may I ask what your line of business was," persisted the lawyer A PART OF THE WINTER keenly. "It was the law business — but Mr. A CHICAGO mining engineer tells Reporter, don't put that in the record of a law suit tried in that city, though. The Supreme Court probably wherein one of the witnesses was an old would not believe it." prospector from a mining settlement in the Far Northwest, a settlement situ ated about twelve thousand feet above the sea, where the snow drifts and packs and remains the year round. "How long have you lived in Mar shall?" asked the lawyer, conducting the examination of the old prospector. "The best part of one winter."

Once Happy Hooligan, having heard so much praise in favor of army life and having become tired of his wanderings around the land, decided to become a soldier boy of dear old Uncle Sam. The dignity of the military discipline, the illusive grades of military rank, and