Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 25.pdf/572

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Allen, Judge Charles Carnegie, Andrew Carson, Hampton L Davis, John William Isaacs, Lord Chief Justice Kerr, James M Lyon, Chief Justice William Penn

PAGE facing 53 facing 289 facing 327 facing 457 facing 495 facing 365 . .facing 251

Marshall, H. Snowden McReynolds, James C Sloan, Ithamar C Soule, Charles C Stirling-Maxwell, Sir John Taft, William Howard Weardale, Lord

PAGE facing 213 facing 159 facing 1 facing 107 facing 289 facing 419 facing 289

Subjects and Titles [References in heavy figures are to contributed articles. The alphabetically arranged departments. Index to Periodicals and Latest Important Cases are not here indexed.] Administration of Justice, Popular Dissatis faction with, and reasons therefor 65, 127, 402, 414, American Bar Association, 36th Annual Meeting American Judicature Society 410, 412, "Arbitration, The Insufficiency of" Archbald impeachment case Becker case Bill-Drafting Bureaus Biographical Miscellany: Alverstone, Lord Ashbourne, Lord Austin, John Cockburn, Lord Corson, Judge Dighton Dudley, Judge John Fuller, Melville W Goethe Haldane, Lord Hamilton, Alexander Haney, Dick Isaacs, Sir Rufus Lawrence, Sir John Compton Richardson, Chief Justice

430 419 528 306 157

46 411, 413, 429 495 322 94 242 156 406 409 510 404, 419 43, 143 156 495 95 353

Bibliographical Miscellany (cont): Simon, Sir John Smith, Sydney Biography : Allen, Charles Blythe, Harry Randolph Davis, John William Kerr, James M Lyon, William Penn Macnaghten, Lord Marshall, H. Snowden McReynolds, James C Sloan, Ithamar Conkey Soule, Charles Carroll Westlake, John Brandt case Capital Punishment, see Penology. "Case Method, The Shortcomings of the" Castro case "Circumstantial Evidence" Codification 460, "Commercial Lawyer, The Era of the" . . . Confidential Communications Contingent Fees Correspondence 147, 354, 409,

495 109 53 201 457 365 251 198 213 159 1 107 276 156

467 1991 124 496 383 154 329 533