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"But I never heard of it," said his colleague impotently, with the feeling as he said it that that was no great proof of anything.

"No," answered Babcock grimly, "one doesn't always hear of those things."

He jotted down a few words in pencil on a bit of paper and shoved it over to the Professor.

"There," he said, "copy that out in your own hand. I wouldn't type-write a thing of that sort if I were you—and write it on the University paper."

Professor Higginson peered at the note and read—

"My dear Mr. Barclay, "I shall really be very happy. I think Wednesday a very good night. Shall we call it Wednesday? Unless I hear from you I shall take it for granted; and at Gorton's. The usual hour, I suppose?"

Professor Higginson gasped.

"But isn't that very familiar, Babcock," he said doubtfully.

"Yes, it is," said Babcock, "that 's the point."